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Recent discussions code

edited April 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I have some code that shows recent discussions on my main site from the Vanilla forum.

I want it to only show the latest posts but currently it also shows the original thread mixed into the list too. Can someone help there?

Also, it shows the data next to each item, is there a way to show that in "Hours ago"/"Days ago" format?

Hope you can help, cheers guys.

     * Get latest vanilla discussions
     * @param  integer $limit
     * @return array
    public function getLatestDiscussions($limit)
        $discussions = [];
        $displayMaxSub = 1;

        // No trailing slash
        $vanillaUrl = url('forum');

        $jsonStr = file_get_contents($vanillaUrl . '/discussions.json');

        if (!$jsonStr)
            return [];

        $json = json_decode($jsonStr, true);
        $i = 0;

        $discussions_count = count($json['Discussions']);

        foreach ($json['Discussions'] as $discussion)
            if ($i >= $limit) break;

            $discussions[] = [
                'id'             => $discussion['DiscussionID'],
                'subject'        => $discussion['Name'],
                'body'           => $discussion['Body'],
                'username'       => $discussion['FirstName'],
                'date'           => $discussion['DateInserted'],
                'link'           => url('forum/discussion/' . $discussion['DiscussionID']),

            if ($discussion['CountComments'] > 1)
                $jsonStr_single = file_get_contents($vanillaUrl . '/discussion.json?DiscussionID=' . $discussion['DiscussionID']);

                if ($jsonStr_single)
                    $json_single = json_decode($jsonStr_single, true);

                    if (isset($json_single['Comments']))
                        $addedComments = 1;

                        $comments = array_reverse($json_single['Comments']);
                        foreach ($comments as $comment)
                            if ($addedComments === $displayMaxSub || $i === $limit) break;

                            $discussions[] = [
                                'id'       => $discussion['DiscussionID'],
                                'subject'  => 'RE: ' . $discussion['Name'],
                                'body'     => $comment['Body'],
                                'username' => $comment['InsertName'],
                                'date'     => $comment['DateInserted'],
                                'link'     => $this->generateCommentLink($comment['CommentID']),



        return $discussions;


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