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Admin permission levels

I'm looking for a plugin or ideas on how to have different admin level, e.g. one who can only manage users/roles, an other who can manage categories, ...
Any ideas ?
Vanilla comes prepopulated with a standard set of roles and permissions. You can create as many roles as you like. You can assign permissions to them arbitrarily.
For details on what the permissions actually do, check out the community wiki here:
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Thx for your answer, but I don't understand... These permissions are stored in the Permission table in DB, right ? But I can't see all of the permissions in the link above. e.g. I don't find Garden.Roles.Manage column...
If the permission check you want doesn't exist, you will have to create a plugin that performs the check.
As far as your specific question, I wrote a plugin called Role Protect that lets you decide which roles can be doled out by "normal" admins:
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Thx for your answer, will try it