[SOLVED] Blank screen and endlessly loading after installation

Hello everyone,
This is my very first forum entry ever. Found everything on google in the past 15 years but now I got stuck.
I am experienced with vanilla on XAMPP on windows.
Now I am using lighttpd on my phone to host small sites for presenting or testing. I have an app called Palapa web server running on android. (I think all this is not a problem here, although it sounds exotic)
After unpacking vanilla 2.1.10 and directing my browser towards the vanilla path ( the browser loads endlessly without showing anything.
To verify the web host setup I made a test installation of WordPress. This thing loads perfect and wants to be installed.
I don't know how to start working with this issue.
I tried to enable the debugging inside the conf.php - without gathering new information.
When I switch the forum path and the cache becomes inconsistent I get "Gdn class not found error". That made me happy tonight until I found out it it caused by an inconsistent cache - but shows a little intelligence out there. ;-)
Can someone help me get on moving? Appreciating any help. Thanks.
Sounds like a corrupted transfer. Try re-extracting the zip file and re-copying to your serving directory.
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Thanks for your quick reply. I already did this. I also tried diefferent folders for "a new extracted ZIP/folder".
Is there something else that you suggest or just a fresh download and extract? I mean it runs on every xampp I guess which means it works in general and WordPress works on the server lighttpd means the server seems to be okay.
Do I need to set up specific directories for some transfers?
What kind of transfer could this be? Can I somehow debug this?
Do you get an error if you explicitly call
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Good point - and no I don't get an error! The same behavior as without the index.php.
I called
This time I waited for about 5 Minutes after calling the URL above. Just loading no reaction.
Is it most likely that the reason for this can be found in the index.php file?
I believe this is an issue with your non-standard port. Can you try hosting it on 80 to make sure this is the cause?
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You were right. Changing the port to 80 solved the issue. Thanks for your help.
This means I have to do a redirect or something, because I don't want to use root privileges on my phone too much.
I think this is a defferent topic then.
This has been discussed and even fixed over on GitHub: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla/pull/2170
You could patch this manually until 2.2 gets released.
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Found it. I'll test it and give feedback here.
Nice work.
I patched the request.php with all 3 changes and that fixes the issue and makes vanilla works out of the box on port 8080.
Thanks a lot. Do we need to close this or mark it solved?
Best wishes.