Recent topics order incorrect

I've recently setup a forum for a client and everything works fine except for a few things. One of them is the recent topics list found under /discussions
For some reason the list isn't ordered properly.
I've not changed any config settings for this to alter the sorting column nor did i change any core files.
The problem i'm seeing is that when a reply is added to a topic this doesn't always mean that that topic will be updated with the lastInsertDate of the comment and therefore will not be properly visible at the top of the discussions list.
Anyone else had this issue or has any tips on where to look for clues?
Any help is appreciated!
Edit: When running the update proces in the backend that resets all counters etc, everything will get set properly but as soon as people start posting again, this will go wrong again
I have not run into this issue. Are you using any plugins that might be altering the display order?
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Thanks for your reply.
I don't think i have any plugins that would disturb this proces. I use the following plugins:
All modules that are used quite often i think. (the custom one adds the categories list to the categories overview page for consistency)