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I am confused how the categories work
Okay so I created categories. Then I created a few threads to test, but when I click on the category that I posted in, the threads don't show up. The only way I can see the threads I posted is if I go to "Recent Discussions".
The weird thing is that I am having this problem with the 3 categories I created, but the "General" category that was there by default DOES show threads if you post into that category.
Any help would be appreciated.
Oh here's the link. As you will see, the threads in the "Off Topic Discussions" category won't show up, even though I posted three.
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Please see this thread:
My setting were like this :
I tried enabling root categories as heading but that didn't fix the issue.
What about the categories view settings?
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Where are those settings? When creating a Category I have it set as Categories in the "Display As" dropdown. If you go to my link now.. I have 2 main Categories, which are "Indoor Growing" and "Outdoor Growing" and then INSIDE of Outdoor Growing, as a sub-category there is "Test1". But you'll see how it shows.
Anyone know what I mean?
The Categories behaviour on your board is not typical.
I would suggest either or both of:
setting theme to default
disabling all plugins
to see if the issue is resolved by that.
Something somewhere on your setup is stopping Categories from working as expected.
I'll give that a try
I have now tried disabling all plugins, and also a few other themes like Baseline. Threads still not showing.
Any other ideas?
It's really a strange behavior. Please re-upload all Vanilla files and try again.
If the problem still prevails, please export GDN_Category and show it here.