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Changing Username URL in threads

edited June 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

My forum is highly integrated into my website and I want the Username links to go to their website profile independant of Vanilla.

I've managed to do this for people replying to a thread but not for the thread starter. Can anyone help?

For the username of those replying, this worked successfully in forum/applications/vanilla/views/discussion/helper_functions.php:


echo UserPhoto($Author);
echo UserAnchor($Author);


echo UserPhoto($Author);
$AName =$Sender->EventArguments['Author']->Name;
echo '<a href="'. $AName .'">'. $AName .'</a>'; 

However, I tried doing the exact same change for the thread starter (located in discussion.php of same directory) but it just made the username not show.


if ($UserPhoto) {
echo UserPhoto($Author);
echo UserAnchor($Author, 'Username');
} else {
echo UserAnchor($Author, 'Username');
echo UserPhoto($Author);

echo FormatMeAction($Discussion);


echo UserPhoto($Author);
$AName =$Sender->EventArguments['Author']->Name;
echo '<a href="'. $AName .'">'. $AName .'</a>';   

I'm no coder... please can someone help?


  • I am a little confused as to what you are trying to achieve. I can tell you that you shouldn't be editing core files.

    Assuming you want every profile link to go somewhere else, define a function in your favorite bootstrap file (e.g. /conf/bootstrap.before.php) that is called UserUrl. Here is the default definition:

        * Return the url for a user.
        * @param array|object $User The user to get the url for.
        * @param string $Px The prefix to apply before fieldnames. @since 2.1
        * @param string $Method Optional. ProfileController method to target.
        * @return string The url suitable to be passed into the Url() function.
       function UserUrl($User, $Px = '', $Method = '', $Get = FALSE) {
          static $NameUnique = NULL;
          if ($NameUnique === NULL)
             $NameUnique = C('Garden.Registration.NameUnique');
          $UserName = GetValue($Px.'Name', $User);
          $UserName = preg_replace('/([\?&]+)/', '', $UserName);
          $Result = '/profile/'.
             ($Method ? trim($Method, '/').'/' : '').
             ($NameUnique ? '' : GetValue($Px.'UserID', $User, 0).'/').
          if ($Get)
             $Result .= '?'.http_build_query($Get);
          return $Result;

    Modify that to return whatever URL you want and this will automatically be used everywhere.

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  • edited June 2015

    Thanks I've just created a new file /conf/bootstrap.before.php and inside put your code with some dummy url to test:

         function UserUrl($User, $Px = '', $Method = '', $Get = FALSE) {
              static $NameUnique = NULL;
              if ($NameUnique === NULL)
                 $NameUnique = C('Garden.Registration.NameUnique');
              $UserName = GetValue($Px.'Name', $User);
              $UserName = preg_replace('/([\?&]+)/', '', $UserName);
              $Result = '/asdsadsa/'.
                 ($Method ? trim($Method, '/').'/' : '').
                 ($NameUnique ? '' : GetValue($Px.'UserID', $User, 0).'/').
              if ($Get)
                 $Result .= '?'.http_build_query($Get);
              return $Result;

    But the url didn't change

  • Ok got it sorted. Using what you said, I found someone else mention something similar and this works for me:

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    function UserUrl($User, $Px = '', $Method = '', $Get = FALSE){
        $UserName = GetValue('Name', $User);
        $Result = ''.$UserName;
        if ($Get)
            $Result .= '?'.http_build_query($Get);
        return $Result;

    Thank you!

  • edited June 2015

    That function doesn't appear to replace the URL when someone quotes a username like so @Mark

    Can anyone help there?

  • You would have to install a mentions formatter that would handle the mentions formatting.

    This is because the mentions formatting doesn't have access to the user object, just the user reference. This is for scalability reasons, I assume.

    Add the following to your /conf/bootstrap.early.php file:

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    Gdn::FactoryInstall('MentionsFormatter', 'CustomMentions', PATH_CONF . '/custommentions.php');

    Then you need to create a class called CustomMentions in the /conf/custommentions.php file. The class must define a FormatMentions method that accepts a single mixed type argument. E.g.:

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    class CustomMentions {
        public function FormatMentions($Body) {
            return preg_replace(
                   '/(^|[\s,\.>])@(\w{1,50})\b/i', //{3,20}
                   '\1'.Anchor('@\2', '\\2'),

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  • Thank you - that worked :)

  • edited June 2015

    The custommentions code is causing an issue where upon creating a new dicussion, it doesn't redirect the user back to the forum but instead just hangs on the same page with following error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method CustomMentions::GetMentions() in /home/mysite/site/public_html/forum/library/core/functions.general.php on line 1405

  • Anyone?

  • BleistivtBleistivt Moderator

    Do you still have the /conf/bootstrap.early.php file?

  • edited June 2015

    Yes, currently has:

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    Gdn::FactoryInstall('MentionsFormatter', 'CustomMentions', PATH_CONF . '/custommentions.php');
  • BleistivtBleistivt Moderator

    Are you using 2.2a? Looks like you need to implement getMentions.

    Copy over this:

    to a new function called getMentions($Mixed) in the custommentions.php

  • I'm using 2.1.9

  • I tried doing the following in custommentions.php anyway but no luck:

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    class CustomMentions {
        public function FormatMentions($Body) {
            return preg_replace(
                   '/(^|[\s,\.>])@(\w{1,50})\b/i', //{3,20}
                   '\1'.Anchor('@\2', '\\2'),
    public function getMentions($Mixed) {
      // Handle @mentions.
                if (C('Garden.Format.Mentions')) {
                    $urlFormat = str_replace('{name}', '$2', self::$MentionsUrlFormat);
                    // Unicode includes Numbers, Letters, Marks, & Connector punctuation.
                    $Pattern = (unicodeRegexSupport()) ? '[\pN\pL\pM\pPc]' : '\w';
                    $Mixed = Gdn_Format::replaceButProtectCodeBlocks(
                        '/(^|[\s,\.>\(])@('.$Pattern.'{1,64})\b/i', //{3,20}
                        '\1'.anchor('@$2', $urlFormat),
                // Handle #hashtag searches
                if (C('Garden.Format.Hashtags')) {
                    $Mixed = Gdn_Format::replaceButProtectCodeBlocks(
                        '\1'.anchor('#\2', '/search?Search=%23\2&Mode=like').'\3',
                // Handle "/me does x" action statements
                if (C('Garden.Format.MeActions')) {
                    $Mixed = Gdn_Format::replaceButProtectCodeBlocks(
                        '\1'.wrap(wrap('\2', 'span', array('class' => 'MeActionName')).'\3', 'span', array('class' => 'AuthorAction')),
                return $Mixed;
  • Yep that code worked... thank you @Bleistivt :)

  • This worked wonders on 2.1 but I don't think I can get it to work on 2.2. Are there any updates? Thanks :)

  • thanks all. Here's what I was looking for

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