View next page plugin

Is there a plugin which places a "PREVIOUS" and "NEXT" button on discussion pages which can toggle to the next discussion page within that category ?
Is there a plugin which places a "PREVIOUS" and "NEXT" button on discussion pages which can toggle to the next discussion page within that category ?
A screenshot would be helpful in discerning what you are wanting to accomplish.
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I guess it should be a next/previous discussion button shown in the discussion view.
But when it shows the next (/discussion/DiscussionID + 1) discussion, that would most often not be the next discussion in the recent discussion overview.
When the link points to the next discussion in the recent discussion list by the time the discussion page was created, it might be an "old" link at the time it is used when other discussions got more recent comments.
When it is redirected to the next discussion in the recent discussion list at the time it is clicked, you could miss discussions.
To put it short: yes, that could be done quite easily, but it would confuse your users more than it would help them...
sir this thing is needed to decrease the bounce rate. When visitors come to forum from google search using mobile . They don't find anything else on page except the post. No categories at bottom of the discussion and no posts suggestion. So previous and next posts with complete discussion titles will help user engagement. All blogs use this for same reason.
Also provide categories at bottom of the content for posts pages only and for mobiles users only by default. Existing Responsive themes provide categories at bottom but there notifications on mobile sucks. To find all notifications list on mobile and notification preferences i had to undertook exploration mission
. will raise that in theme topics . Thankyou
Okay, I really understand your point and I guess it wouldn't be too complicated. The only thing I don't think which is easy is to decide which discussion is the next one and which is the previous one.
Let's do it by an example. Two questions:
1.When you open up this discussion, which discussion should be the previous discussion and which discussion should be the next discussion?
2. Imagine you have a very active community where there are many new posts in 5 minutes und you need 10 minutes to read one discussion. Would the "old" next/previous discussion still be the discussion you expected to see 10 minutes before?
I think you are referring to the pager module, it is the buttons to go forward or back in the discussions index. It should appear on mobile too.
If you can't see it on mobile , chances are that that theme is not compatible with mobile. Or does not have the space for the module and it is hidden behind something.
If what you want are excerpts you can try plugins that add a tool tip..
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