What are my embedding options?

I'm new to the software and liked it so much I decided to use it. I do have a few questions though.
I've installed vanilla 2.2 on my site to use mainly as a sharing forum for my friends/family so it's direct and I don't have to use facebook. My questions are
What are my embedding options for the forums? It's mainly images of family but sometimes I try to post a gif or webm and don't know how to embed it properly. I believe it's because the comments do not support advanced html, because I've already edited my .htaccess file to support webm. I've read the forums enough to know that gif just doesn't work with this software if uploaded so I have to upload it to an off site server then redirected the embedment. Advanced editor seems to disable ImageUpload.
Also, most of my family uses mobile, are there any alternatives to ImageUpload plugin? I love the fact that it uploads and automatically inserts the image into the post, and how clean the forums look from the software, but I'd just like to know if there's any alternatives to automatically inserting an uploaded image into the new post.
Finally, if there is no other alternatives, could you recommend a tutorial site so I may learn the basics of PHP and CSS and possibly write a plugin of my own?
Thank you for reading and thanks to all the hard work the developers put in.
Hi, 2.2 is not for use by the public since it is in beta stage. It was released for developers. The recommended version is 2.1.11.
There are several file upload plugins just search the add ons.
html is limited in Vanilla and so is embedding media of certain types in posts. Because it is a security risk. This involves using the embed or object tag and the style tag.
Gif works fine, where did you hear it did not work ?
Please start over with the recommended version .
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Inserting images is completely dependent on what formatter you are using. If you want to host the images, you will need an upload plugin as @vrijvlinder said.
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Could you clarify? Sorry for late post. I'm very interested in embedding webm or mp4 in posts, it would only be me using the code. Some of what drives me is just learning how it works and what it is that disables the code. I've read that it may have something to do with HtmLawed, but I am not sure what to edit.
Thank you sir.
Try using the mediator plugin which allows for just pasting the link of the media . You can also try playmymp3 plugin which will display a player with the song by pasting the link to the mp3. Yes htmlawed is mostly what controls that but there is no way that I know of to make the change only for admin ..
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