Cube2 Theme Released

Hello everyone!
I am very interested in your community because you pay attention to all users. You're Compassionate and Honest!

This is the first time that I have a public announcement here, Probably you know me so i write briefly.
I can say the cube theme has completed and more perfect today!

You can find it here

Special thanks to RJ Robin, Who helped me like a brother, And also Thanks to Hgtonight and Kasper.
I apologize because of low support for june & july customers, Sometimes a man needs to be alone!

Yours Sincerely,


  • Thanks for the YAGA compatibility :)

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  • Hey @ThemeSteam, RTL Support is very far from being finished.
    Many things still seem broken.

  • @ThemeSteam I see you are still requiring copying over the SmartyFunctions folder.

    There is an easier method:

    class CubeThemeHooks implements Gdn_IPlugin {
       public function Setup() { }
       public function Gdn_Smarty_Init_Handler($sender) {
          $sender->plugins_dir[] = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'library' . DS . 'vendors' . DS . 'SmartyPlugins';

    Place this in your root theme folder as class.cubethemehooks.php. Then move your smarty plugins to library/vendors/SmartyPlugins relative to your theme root.

    This simplifies your set up immensely.

    You should also get rid of your view overrides that are just added CSS classes. If you still want to be lazy, use SASS to compile your selectors.

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  • @hgtonight said:
    Thanks for the YAGA compatibility :)

    Your welcome sir, You are smart i love YAGA.

    @hgtonight said:
    ThemeSteam I see you are still requiring copying over the SmartyFunctions folder.

    Don't need anymore, Thank you ;) Just for old version.

    @n0cte said:
    Hey ThemeSteam, RTL Support is very far from being finished.
    Many things still seem broken.

    Hi nocte, I'm here to help! Please tell me the pages and i will update the item in less than 10 hours.

    Contact me :

    Dear friends! It's my new item:
    ٌWhat is your opinion?

    Thanks again to RJ and hgtonight,

  • New
    edited September 2015

    @ThemeSteam well, I don't really have the time to work on another rtl-fixes file, but I'll tell you the gist of it.

    • Font family defaults to sans-serif because Open Sans does not support Hebrew. Open Sans Hebrew is available here:
    • Signature/tags/meta missing margin.
    • Category view is broken in Hebrew.

    There are more things but I just don't have the time to look into them.

    Your new Theme, Clark, is nice, but I think you forgot to include Roboto. (Font defaults to serif)

  • In the side bar, there are 3 links to /categories, 2 links to /activities and 2 links to /discussions - that could be stripped down a bit ;)

    There is a hover effect only in the nav and nowhere else. That is inconsistent. For the user it is not obvious that the nav part is in any way different than the normal modules.

    Links are not visible. They are styled just like normal text. The box "Sign In or Register to comment." is more confusing than helpful if it is not obvious what you have to do there (I first clicked on the arrow)

    Avatars are helpers so that a forum user quickly is able to see who have written a post. That's why I think showing them only on hover is a bad idea. Besides of that: too many on hover effects are hectic.

    I don't like that violet. There is a checkbox styled as a switch when you register and I wasn't able to see what corresponds to "checked".

    The checkboxes in "Notification Preferences" are unstyled, which is not consistent.

    Something that has to do with how you have configured the demo: when logged in, I wasn't allow to see discussions. What I got was a "x No discussions were found.". When I see such a x I try to click on it. But that is not an active part of the user interface

    When you click on Sign In and the popup opens, there is no visual way to get back from there. If I press ESC (I use the keyboard very often), the popup disappears, but the blur stays until I click anywhere on the page. Although I like the blur effect very much, that sucks ;)

    Clicking on Register brings out a small panel at the very edge of the screen ad a very big and impressive photo. When I click on "Register", my main intent is to register so all that is needed for this action should be in the main focus. Not some picture.

    Looking on the profile with a small viewport is a dead end. You see the activity and that's it. No way to see discussions and comments of this person.

    At the profile, the icons of Joined, Visits, Last Active are not aligned. And speaking of those icons: I never understood why those icons are picked. They do not transport the meaning they should.

  • edited September 2015

    @n0cte said:
    ThemeSteam well, I don't really have the time to work on another rtl-fixes file, but I'll tell you the gist of it.

    • Font family defaults to sans-serif because Open Sans does not support Hebrew. Open Sans Hebrew is available here:
    • Signature/tags/meta missing margin.
    • Category view is broken in Hebrew.

    There are more things but I just don't have the time to look into them.

    Your new Theme, Clark, is nice, but I think you forgot to include Roboto. (Font defaults to serif)

    Many Thanks nocte. That's enough and helpful.

    @R_J said:

    Thank you robin , I think some of problems are not the problem! for example checkboxes, I wrote only for entry pages. because they are very big i don't like to put them on settings.

    It seems you like it and please consider all items reviewed/quality checked. **I will pay attention to details that you mention. **


  • I just went ahead and bought it. Applied it to my forum, and it works. Now it looks amazing. I'm really happy! Thanks a lot.

  • Very glad to hear it unixhero <3 The first buyer , Many Thanks o:)

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