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Sending Email Notification to all members when discussion posted

I have been looking to figure out how to enable the following functionality:
I have a forum using no categories - it is a small forum. What I want is for each time a discussion gets posted, that all members of the community get notified. I am new here and find the information about features and plugins here to be super out-dated. I installed the plugin EmailSubscribe but it did not work. I am running Vanilla Version 2.1.11. I would appreciate any help given!!
click advanced notifications in dashboard for your role.
then go to the profile for the role and choose edit profile
then choose notification preferences
and then post a screenshot.
you probably have a general category despite the fact you have chosen no categories.
click the boxes for the notifications for the category.
then click advanced notifications for the other roles you want to have category notifications. then tell each user as they register to select the boxes they want.
simple enough.
if that doesn't work you may need to change to use categories and have one category.
what happens after you do exactly the above.
post screenshots of permissions in dashboard for roles and for notification preferences if this doesn't work.
Advanced notifications should theoretically work. not many people use it because in previous versions of vanilla it created problems and if you have lots of users it will create problems.
if advanced notifications with notification preferences checked by each user doesn't send out email with one category - there is a bug - and then you should report it on github.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Welcome to the community.
This can be managed via Notification Preferences.
If you activated Advanced Notifications for Members (Dashboard - Roles and Permissions) and created a single category, you could then get users to set preferences for notification by email when discussions are created
You could then set that notification preference in conf.php so that was the default option for new members.
perhaps it works differently with single categories. with multiple categories the notification preferences for category discussion email are not in config.php, but in the user meta table.
various other email notification preferences are in config.php but I believe in 2.1.11this is not the case for category notification.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Cheers, @peregrine
Was hunting in the default config trying to find it - but, of course, it's not there...
the thing I am not sure about is if advanced notifications work period, if the proper boxes are checked.
automating is completely different question.
so is "No Category" i.e. Don't Use Categories, a different question.
then if it did he could select the notification preferences for each user.
but there is no automated way to do it without scripting changes to user meta tables
and the same question is asked over and over and over. and the answer is still the same. the user needs to select notification preferences or the admin does in 2.1.11 to check the box for category discussion email
unless someone write a plugin that changes the above conditions.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Hello Everyone... the trick was, as written above, to enable the advanced notifications for the necessary role. I am new to Vanilla and still do not understand all of the configuration possibilities.
A plugin that automatically changes that settings to any given role would be awesome.
What is great about Vanilla is jsconnect. I have a project using the MODX CMF and was able to integrate easily the user db table of MODX with Vanilla.
Very nice!
Another question would be how can I change the text of the email that gets sent out? Thanks!
I take it that I have to dig into the localisation definitions?
Any tips on which definitions I need to find?
See here for a starting point:
The search facility on here is pretty good...
You can use grep (or Agent Ransack on windows) to search your Vanilla install for key terms.
this is not available in 3.3?