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Advanced Editor Button Positioning

Is there any way to move the smiley/URL/file buttons before the B/I/S buttons on the Advanced Editor?



  • you can reorder things in the array

    class.editor.plugin.php around line 106.

      public function getAllowedEditorActions() {
            static $allowedEditorActions = array(

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @PFAFF said:
    Is there any way to move the smiley/URL/file buttons before the B/I/S buttons on the Advanced Editor?


      public function getAllowedEditorActions() {
            static $allowedEditorActions = array(
              'emoji' => true,
             'links' => true,
             'images' => true,
             'uploads' => false,
             'sep-media' => true, // separator
             'bold' => true,
             'italic' => true,
             'strike' => true,
             'orderedlist' => true,
             'unorderedlist' => true,
             'indent' => false,
             'outdent' => false,
             'sep-format' => true, // separator
             'color' => false,
             'highlightcolor' => false, // Dependent on color. TODO add multidim support.
             'format' => true,
             'fontfamily' => false,
             'sep-align' => true, // separator
             'alignleft' => true,
             'aligncenter' => true,
             'alignright' => true,
             'sep-switches' => true, // separator
             'togglehtml' => true,
             'fullpage' => true,
             'lights' => true
            return $allowedEditorActions;

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • You could hook in via a plugin too:

    public function editorPlugin_toolbarConfig_handler($sender) {
        $actions =& $sender->EventArguments['actions'];
        $sender->EventArguments['actions'] = array('emoji' => true) + $actions;

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  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2015

    creating a new plugin hook would certainly mitigate losses during core upgrades instead of modifying core plugin.

    Ideally, a drag and drop for it in the settings built into the plugin itself.
    with checkboxes whether to include in mobile.

    I guess you can do the same for colors, format and fonts since there places to hook into the plugin.

        $this->EventArguments['actions'] =& $allowedEditorActions;
        $this->EventArguments['colors'] =& $fontColorList;
        $this->EventArguments['format'] =& $fontFormatOptions;
        $this->EventArguments['font'] =& $fontFamilyOptions;

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • This worked brilliantly. Thanks!

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