how to update pre tag to code tag in DB

In vanilla 2.1 i did use geshi for syntaxhighlighting. In 2.2 i want to use creativesyntaxhighlighter for it.
In geshi, all the code is between pre tags like below:
<pre lang="html" line="1">code goes here</pre>
same for php, js and css
In creativesyntax i use the code tag to highlight:
<code lang="html"> code goes here</code>
same for php, js and css
How can i update all the <pre lang="html" line="1"></pre>
to <code lang="html></code>
i already tried to run this but without success: UPDATE GDN_Comment SET Body = '<code lang="php">' WHERE Body = '<pre lang="php" line="1">';
I would dump the db to an sql file, do my replacements there, then import the SQL file.
It doesn't look like MySQL provides a regex function, but I am no MySQL expert.
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UPDATE GDN_Comment SET Body = '<code lang="php">' WHERE Body = '<pre lang="php" line="1">';
This is wrong becuase you are saying the entire body is is
<pre lang="php" line="1">
, and the entire body is to be replacedYou want
UPDATE GDN_Comment SET Body = REPLACE(Body, '<pre lang="php" line="1">', '<code lang="php">') WHERE Body LIKE '%<pre lang="php" line="1">%';
The problem is with this is you don't get the full power regular expression based replace in MySQL. You can me more specific using a replace on a dump.
You are only replacing the first part, which means you will have buck of stray
which you have to replace.<pre>
is a legit tag to use. So you could end up with a problem of unmatched closing tags.There is a good arguments which say using
like this incorrect if you want a code block it should be defined<pre><code>[code goes here]</code></pre>
and inline code just uses<code>
.grep is your friend.
Brilliant idea @hgtonight !
I dumped to DB to localhost.sql, modified all the tags with this tool:
Import the sql file again and in a couple of minutes the job was done!
Thank God there is
Glad you got it working @jackmaessen
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