Advanced Editor seems to work properly when creating a post, but after submit, format is wrong

Hey folks. I just this morning downloaded 2.2 and followed the normal update procedure. I've disabled cleditor and enabled Advanced Editor.
Unfortunately something is messing with my post format. When I drag and drop an image (which uploads fine!), it appears in my editor window as expected.
After clicking submit, the HTML tags are "sanitized" by switching the brackets to HTML entities and the src value within the img tag is changed to a clickable link (so in other words it gets wrapped in an anchor tag with an href equal to the image location and the link text also is set to the image URL).
This, as you can imagine, displays on the forum itself as a mess of HTML code as text with a clickable link to the image appearing in the src="XXX" bit.
I'm sure some other thing is interfering with the way Advanced Editor works, probably parsing and transforming my submitted post after Advanced Editor is through with it, but I have no other plugins enabled except the defaults that come "in the box".
Can anybody help me troubleshoot this?
Line breaks also show up as sanitized br tags, the whole nine yards. Something is clearly "sanitizing" the output of advanced editor, but I can't find the culprit.
OK, so, to simplify the ramble above... all HTML tags are being "sanitized" by converting the brackets to entities.
Additionally, any URLs are being made into clickable links even if they are already contained within HTML tags.
Can anybody give me a clue as to how to track down the culprit? HTMLaw?
Thanks in advance!
What formatter are you using?
Are you forcing WYSIWYG?
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Using WYSIWYG. I've tried both forcing and not forcing. Thanks for replying!
Nothing? Anybody? Should I just reinstall? Would that even help?
I've got no plugins running that don't come in the download, and not even all of those. What could be doing this? Even linebreaks are getting filtered out and turned into entities so that they display literally on screen as '
Looks like this is a known issue:
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Yeah but even without any toggling this is still happening. I'm about to remove Vanilla from my server and just give up on it. It appears that this software doesn't even work properly when you pay the extortionate $199/month for supported hosting, based on my experience with other sites that use it.
I love the minimalism of Vanilla but it's just not a polished product and hasn't ever been.
That's your opinion, but it is woefully misinformed in mine.
I've been using Vanilla for almost 5 years and it works fine.
Clearly, it won't suit everyone, but to suggest it isn't 'polished' suggests that either you have a unique concept of 'polished', or you don't know the product very well.
I'm not interested in getting in to this with you, simply posting this to counter what I see as a misinformed comment.