A nice integrated calendar: someone develop it!



  • pbear: I'm sure I'm just being over tired, but what did you use to create the AIGA Club Calendar?
  • Google Calender doesn't have ads
    atleast not yet, considering everything is made for, with more features that your custom one.

    Nevermind. make your own calender.
    whatever works for u guys
  • TextWrangler and Dan Cederholm's CSS books. :D

    What I'd love to do with the current implementation is make a little show/disclose action for each month. I found some code examples but then the semester began and I didn't have time to play with it.

    @MySchizoBuddy: Thanks for the suggestions. I wasn't aware what Google Calendar was capable of. It still may be an option, but I've had too many free services in different arenas turn to pay on me. I don't want to have a system running that I can't continue to run in the future inasmuch as that's possible.
  • Re: http://www.northparkcreative.com/vanilla_dev/
    I think it's dead, BUT I really like the 'next week above the forum thing. That's a very ingenious way
    to present the data without screwing with the lay-out.

    I love the timeline interface... just imagine a nice tab showing the duration of the latest topics
    on the first page with a color indicating activity... (especially with a working hoverbox type
    discussion-preview). ;-)
  • KrakKrak New
    edited March 2007
    Whats going on here:


    Bergamot? Isn't that one of your sites? How'd you do that.
  • edited March 2007
    bergamot doesn't come here anymore
    post it on that forum and ask if he can donate the calendar to the community
    btw that is not an extension. its hardcoded to the forum
  • any takers on development?
  • edited May 2007
    ExtCalender 2 is in Beta 2 stage. It installed real easy and works great
  • yes BUT, how would i go about integrating the user tables from vanilla to that calendar? seems tidious.
  • edited May 2007
    Sorry change of plans. Looking at the support forum of ExtCalendar 2. it doesn't look like it being actively developed anymore. its the best calendar so far. rest are "ok" compared to this one. It's a shame the developer isn't interested anymore. So finding another good calendar to integrate. Vcalendar looks ugly but has good features. need a good theme. being actively developed as well http://www.vcalendar.org/site/
  • interesting, i guess all we can do is wait.
  • I can merge the user tables if that is all that is required.
  • Sounds good to me. I like it, it''s not too ugly for my taste.
  • If you're wondering whether they'll be interest in this, then yes I'd be interested in an extension that integrated vcalendar, giving People users with the correct permissions to add and modify events (modify the ones they created) etc. Is that something along the lines of what you are planning MSB?
  • edited May 2007
    yes Vcalender allows editing of ur own events. every user will be able to add events as well.

    Looks like Vcalendar is not an option. It saves the password in unencrypted form. The admin will be able to see passwords of all vanilla users.
    this just sucks. now back to finding another good calendar.
  • Any update or alternative to this?
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