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new error ('Something has gone wrong') in addcategory

abdelhadiabdelhadi New
edited January 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

After fixed the problem editcategory In a file class.settingscontroller
I have appeared an new problems when you add category ,
as well as activate and disable strict my.ini , But the same problem ?

The error occurred on or near: C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\library\database\class.database.php

418:                     $this->closeConnection();
419:                     continue;
420:                 }
422:                 trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR);
423:             }
425:         }


[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\library\database\class.database.php:422] PHP::trigger_error();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\library\database\class.sqldriver.php:1663] Gdn_Database->query();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\library\database\class.sqldriver.php:1083] Gdn_SQLDriver->query();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\library\core\class.model.php:272] Gdn_SQLDriver->insert();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\applications\vanilla\models\class.categorymodel.php:1715] Gdn_Model->insert();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\library\core\class.form.php:2224] CategoryModel->save();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\applications\vanilla\controllers\class.settingscontroller.php:292] Gdn_Form->save();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\applications\vanilla\controllers\class.settingscontroller.php:292] SettingsController->addCategory();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\library\core\class.dispatcher.php:329] PHP::call_user_func_array();
[C:\AppServ\www\vanilla\index.php:44] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatch();

Variables in local scope:

[Sql] 'insert GDN_Category 
(`UrlCode`, `AllowDiscussions`, `Name`, `Description`, `CssClass`, `InsertUserID`, `UpdateUserID`, `DateInserted`, `DateUpdated`, `AllowFileUploads`) 
values (:UrlCode, :AllowDiscussions, :Name, :Description, :CssClass, :InsertUserID, :UpdateUserID, :DateInserted, :DateUpdated, :AllowFileUploads)'

[InputParameters] array (
  ':UrlCode' => 'ثصي',
  ':AllowDiscussions' => '1',
  ':Name' => 'ثصي',
  ':Description' => 'صثيصثي',
  ':CssClass' => '',
  ':InsertUserID' => '2',
  ':UpdateUserID' => '2',
  ':DateInserted' => '2016-01-12 20:11:06',
  ':DateUpdated' => '2016-01-12 20:11:06',
  ':AllowFileUploads' => false,

[Options] array (
  'Type' => 'insert',
  'Slave' => NULL,
  'ReturnType' => 'ID',

[ReturnType] 'ID'

[tries] 2

[try] 0

[PDO] array (

[PDOStatement] array (
  'queryString' => 'insert GDN_Category 
(`UrlCode`, `AllowDiscussions`, `Name`, `Description`, `CssClass`, `InsertUserID`, `UpdateUserID`, `DateInserted`, `DateUpdated`, `AllowFileUploads`) 
values (:UrlCode, :AllowDiscussions, :Name, :Description, :CssClass, :InsertUserID, :UpdateUserID, :DateInserted, :DateUpdated, :AllowFileUploads)',

[ex] array (

[message] NULL

[code] NULL

[state] '00000'

Need Help?

If you are a user of this website, you can report this message to a website administrator.

If you are an administrator of this website, you can get help at the Vanilla Community Forums.
Additional information for support personnel:

    Application: Vanilla
    Application Version: 2.2
    PHP Version: 5.6.17
    Operating System: WINNT
    Server Software: Apache/2.4.18 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2e PHP/5.6.17
    Referer: http://localhost/vanilla/index.php?p=/vanilla/settings/addcategory
    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0
    Request Uri: /vanilla/index.php?p=/vanilla/settings/addcategory&
    Controller: PHP
    Method: trigger_error


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