2.2 documentation

When I downloaded Vanilla Forums 2.2 today, and started poking through the documentation, it said that the current version of Vanilla Forums was 2.1. Someone may want to take a look at that.
Much of the way to install and use vanilla still applies.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
I get that - I found that info before even cracking the documentation. It's still something that needs to be fixed by someone at some point. Eventually.
Eventually, is the OS operating system
There is a vehicle to get things like this done more asap. You can become a vanilla contributor and post these kind of issues at github so you can be part of the solution !!
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
@brilang Thanks for the heads up. I actually fixed that in the README on
branch but didn't backport it to 2.2 yet.