Email Register Notification has broken links

We have a problem with the emails that are going to new signups.
Sometimes it happens, but not always.

This is a portion of the email we get, and you will see the issue:

Hello Day100!

You have successfully registered for an account at Airso=
ft Forum. Here is your information:

Username: Day100
Email: mark=

You can access the site at http://www.airsoftforum.c=

You need to confirm your email address before yo=
u can continue. Please confirm your email address by clicking on the follow=
ing link:

you will see there is an = after the name in the email part, then a new line, then the @ sign.
In the link to confirm, you will see emailconfirm/9=
Then a new line.
Then what was the coe.

So everyone trying to signup, tries this, then gives up.

What's causing it?


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