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where to edit in the bootstrap Superhero theme

edited April 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

i am trying to edit the background of the first post and the first reply.

what is the code in the css to look for?

many thanks

screenshot attached



  • @AmericanBidder

    Welcome to the community.

    You can use a web inspector (e.g. Firebug for Firefox) to identify the name of the elements.

  • Thanks so much trying to figure out how to use these programs. I am very bad at css :(

  • jackmaessenjackmaessen ✭✭✭
    edited April 2016

    Give us the url of the page so we can look into the source

  • jackmaessenjackmaessen ✭✭✭
    edited April 2016
    div.Item-Body {
      background-color: #whaterver you want;

    Note that the background-color of all the comments are changing; not only the first one. But you prefer only the topic and first comment to be changed?

  • what file that in? it isnt in the custom.css

  • I want to change the white background in all the replies from why so we can read the posts

  • jackmaessenjackmaessen ✭✭✭
    edited April 2016

    you have to put these lines into your custom_darkly.css in themes/bootstrap/design/custom_darkly.css

        div.Item-Body {
          background-color: #whaterver you want;
  • OHHH, jeez thanks man!!

  • resolved

  • Please advise. I run a very small sporting apparel business, and don't know much about Bootstrap framework. I'm switching my old HTML website to a Magento site using the T-shirt Shop theme from TemplateMonster, which matches perfectly with my vision of the new website's layout. Consequently, I've been researching hosting companies. Now I wonder what hosting options are available that are really geared/optimized for Magento & Bootstrap stability. And do I really need dedicated hosting or VPS?

  • R_JR_J Admin

    This seems to be a Magento question but this is the support forums for the Vanilla forums script. I'd advice to look for a Magento support forum.

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