Error message while typing a comment

This started a few days ago (during which time I've been enabling plugins, tweaking in the Dashboard, etc. to get my forum ready to launch). Suddenly, when posting comments to discussions (when the system does it’s automatic saving of the draft, or if I click Preview - Save Draft - or Post Comment) a box appears with light bulb on left and “x” to close on right, and messages like:
{"Targets":[{"Target":"","Data":"\/vanilla\/index.php?p=\/post\/comment2.json&commentid=27&inserted=1","Type":"Ajax"}],"CommentID":"27","DraftID":"","MyDrafts":"My Drafts","CountDrafts":0,"FormSaved":true,"DeliveryType":"VIEW","Data":"+KEBBZGp1dG9yKTwvc3Bhbj4gICAgICAgICAgICA8L3NwYW4+CiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgPC9kaXY
==== lots more CAg’s etc ========= ending with:
{"CommentID":"","DraftID":"32","MyDrafts":"My Drafts","CountDrafts":0,"FormSaved":true,"DeliveryType":"VIEW","Data":"PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0iTWVzc2FnZUZvcm0gQ29tbWVud==== lots more CAg’s etc ========= ending with:
C9kaXY+Cg==","InformMessages":[{"CssClass":"Dismissable AutoDismiss","Message":"Draft saved at 6:13AM"}],"ErrorMessages":"","RedirectUrl":""}
I thought it might be the "debugger" but that's not enabled. Can someone please help me (newbie) solve this problem? Thank you!
This is generally caused by a JS error. Check your console (
on firefox) for JS errors.Search first
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Thank you for having me check console for js errors, but nothing shows despite my repeatedly doing tasks that brought up the errors. Then I noticed that the end of each error was:
so I tried to figure that out. Sure enough, the problem is that I made what I thought was a clever “portal” screen for accessing the login screen, and this apparently was causing the “RedirectURL” error!
When users simply go to and login, everything is fine! No accursed black box messages! But interestingly, they do not see any of the discussions posted by users who entered via ! I’ll try to figure that out, and will also try to figure out how to fix my not-so-clever portal screen so it behaves.