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Parse error trying to make JSConnect

edited April 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi everyone
I'm trying to have a successful connection using JSConnect plug in, I've installed Vanilla jsConnect Client Library for PHP (, I created one simple php page with a link redirecting to but when my code tries to implement the JsConnect plug in, it throws me this error: "¡Ups!
and what I want is to log in with the basic information of a custom user located on index.php

This is my code,

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/functions.jsconnect.php';

// 1. Get your client ID and secret here. These must match those in your jsConnect settings.
$clientID = "xxxxx";
$secret = "xxxxx";

// 2. Grab the current user from your session management system or database here.
$signedIn = true; // this is just a placeholder


// 3. Fill in the user information in a way that Vanilla can understand.
$user = array();

if ($signedIn) {
   $user['uniqueid'] = '00000000';
   $user['name'] = 'John';
   $user['email'] = '';
   $user['photourl'] = '';

// 4. Generate the jsConnect string.

// This should be true unless you are testing. 
// You can also use a hash name like md5, sha1 etc which must be the name as the connection settings in Vanilla.
$secure = true; 
WriteJsConnect($user, $_GET, $clientID, $secret, $secure);


I've been searching and I found that the key is on the code above but I don't figure what It might be :confounded:

Any sugestion?


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