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Attachments 2.0 Beta



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    I think what I did for themes is duplicated the new default and made a copy then added my old stuff to it,
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    In the one you have available to download, can I replace the current code

    $Context->Configuration['ATTACHMENTS_ALLOWED_FILETYPES'] = array ( 'image/gif' => array('gif', 'GIF'), 'image/png' => array('png', 'PNG'), 'image/jpeg' => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'JPG', 'JPEG'), 'image/pjpeg' => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'JPG', 'JPEG'), 'application/pdf' => array('pdf', 'PDF'), 'application/x-pdf' => array('pdf', 'PDF'), 'application/msword' => array('doc', 'DOC', 'rtf', 'RTF'), 'application/zip' => array('zip', 'ZIP'), 'application/x-zip-compressed' => array('zip', 'ZIP'), 'application/octet-stream' => array('rar', 'RAR', 'doc', 'DOC'), 'text/plain' => array('txt', 'TXT'), 'application/x-gzip' => array('gz', 'GZ', 'tar.gz', 'TAR.GZ'), 'application/download' => array('rar', 'RAR') );

    $Context->Configuration['ATTACHMENTS_ALLOWED_FILETYPES'] = '*';
    That's what I used for the previous attachments extension to accept all files. Can I do the same here?
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    Hi all, just updated Vanilla 1.0 to 1.0.1 and the Attachment extension from 1.4 to 2.0. The files are uploaded to server just intact and database entry is created ok, but somehow the header-info gets corrupted every time they are downloaded (e.g. with ?PostBackAction=Download&AttachmentID=10 --> Can´t read file header/unknown file format). The filesizes are also similar, only the header-info is lost and the files are downloaded then as unusable. The previous versions worked fine with same server settings, but now this problem occurs on every file type. Can this be somekind of server-settings issue, using Mac Xserve/Apache1.3.3/PHP5.1.4, or what would you suspect? Thanks in advance.
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    bumping, in hopes hat I can get my question answered.
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    3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited November 2006
    This extension is pretty neat! I'm looking for something with thumbnailing, captions and thickbox support, is this available yet or in the near future? I also need to combine the images with the vote plugin so you can rate them... Or would it be better to use Attachments 1.0 - I'm not really clear on the difference between the two... maybe someone can explain? Cheers.
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    I'm liking 3stripe's ideas, and I'd also like to know the answer to Garvin's question.
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    edited April 2010
    Torrent File attachment for the Attachment module.
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    Attached torrent file should:

    - show the name of the file
    - show the seeds
    - show the peers

    - (*) the size of the downloaded file
    - (*) show the number and size of the files
    - (*) if possible it should also able to show the tracker info
    - (*) date of creation of torrent
    - (*) and other optimal info

    (*) should be able to disable or enable this info form settings in admin sections.

    -- I will be just using open public tracker for my file sharing.

    -- This plug in can be accomplished by adding an additional codes to the "Attachment 2.0" plug in, with the "TorrentParsev2.2" I have tried to use this, but it require some additional coding skills. Which I dont have.

    so if anyone can make this plug in it would be great.
    would be an great addition to the vanilla plugins.
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