Disable rank up emails on yaga

I don't want to flood my server with email requests for ranking with yaga. Is there any way to disable all yaga related mails? Or at least the ones for rank up?
I don't want to flood my server with email requests for ranking with yaga. Is there any way to disable all yaga related mails? Or at least the ones for rank up?
Set this variable to '0':
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['RankPromotion'] = '0';
This should either be disabled by default or disabled during application init. A bunch of my forum users were less than thrilled by all the emails when I switched the plugin on for the first time.
Have you any conception of the amount of work @hgtonight put in to creating this FREE open source version of reactions?
Questions about YAGA should either be prefaced with
I can't believe how generous you were to make this freely available to the open source community of Vanilla, is there any chance...
I'm an ingrate who expects everything for nothing, and it should work exactly as I want immediately.
you are a moderator. this not a friendly comment to the community. it's the kind of attack dog mentality that causes people not to give constructive feedback. Get a grip on things.
The person made a constructive comment not an attack like you.
you have a valid point. I apologize for the attack you received. and you have presented your suggestion calmly but not rabidly.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
Thank you for your comment.
However, given how you behave on the board, I'm going to take no notice of it.
In addition to being a moderator, I am a general user of the board, and in this case, I think that the complaint/suggestion was made in a thoughtless and ungrateful manner, which is what I expressed in my comment.
If another moderator cares to delete it, they are, of course, free to do so.
I would be interested to see what the emails looked like. There is an opportunity to group notifications in the latest version of Vanilla.
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@hgtonight it was just the emails for each rank. As the forums have been around a while, many users received a few emails for Rank 1/2/3/4. Grouping them would make it less of an issue, but I still feel like when you first enable the plugin, that that is a special case where it would be more sensible for the plugin to minimise user alerts.
@whu606 I also contribute plugins to the Vanilla community, so I have a reasonable idea of the effort required.
I think this is inherent in the design of the activity record. I suppose a "configuration mode" could be created that prevents sending out notification emails. Not sure if this is really warranted or desirable as a mandatory step on install.
Do you have any other ideas on how to do this in a low friction manner?
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@hgtonight you could hijack the email send hooks to "disable" emails during set up, or default the config to not send emails and have the user switch it on in set up, or maybe just a warning about it in text somewhere? I think having the forum admin switch it on is probably the most "polished" approach. I can probably make a PR for it if you like.
Hey hey, I'd like to use YAGA too (Thanks @hgtonight !), but I'd like to disable the notifications before switching it on.
What do I have to put into my config.php before switching it on to prevent it from sending notifications?
Clearly this:
$Configuration['Preferences']['Email']['RankPromotion'] = '0';
Are there any others I should be aware of?