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Badge edit and assignment issues

JamieMJamieM New
edited June 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I'm using YAGA and I'm unable to give Badges to users (I get a pop up saying: "Page Not Found The page you were looking for could not be found.") or edit the badges through the dashboard (exactly the same, I get redirected to a forum page saying "Page Not Found The page you were looking for could not be found.")

I can edit ranks and assign those via the forum, and I can view the list of badges via the badges button in the forum itself. Users are also capable of earning the badges and its displaying correctly in the activities feed, I (and other admins just can't edit the badges or assign them manually :/ )

I have tried reinstalling YAGA and looking through the code, but none of thats worked and I'm extremely new to Vanilla and this sort of thing in general O.o
Currently running Vanilla 2.2.1.

Hopefully someone can help!


  • Try fresh install for Vanilla and Yaga.,

  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited June 2016

    That's probably a step too far!


    Do you have pretty urls enabled?

    In conf/config.php

    $Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = TRUE;

    and add it if it is not there.

  • I was pretty scared when I saw the reinstall suggestion, not gonna lie.... O.o

    Yes, I do have pretty URLs enabled :)

  • OK

    That's about as much as I know about YAGA issues...

    I'm sure @hgtonight will be around at some point to help you out.

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited June 2016

    Welcome to the community, and thanks for trying my addon!

    What does the Yaga permissions section look like for the administrator role?

    Do you have any routes set up?

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  • @hgtonight In the dashboard admins have all the boxes ticked in Yaga so they should have all permissions. Unless I'm missing something I need to change in the plug in code.

    This is what I see in permissions and also when I click to edit the badges or give a user a badge. I'm using Fancy theme.

  • What is the URL path when you get the Page Not Found?

    What button specifically clicked brings you there?

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  • JamieMJamieM New
    edited June 2016

    Clicking the Badges button in the Gamification area on my dashboard takes me to that page, the exact URL being ( The other way to reach this is by attempting to give a user a badge by visiting their profile and clicking the Give Badge link. Except in that instance the bad link is displayed in a pop up.

    Worth noting that the other Gamification settings such as Reactions and Ranks work perfectly and I'm fully capable of changing those settings. Similarly I can give users ranks via their profiles which summons a little pop up where I can assign the ranks. Its only Badge related stuff that seems to be causing the grief :/

  • I get the same Page Not Found error for Karma Bank market place when I try to access market place on Mobile.

  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited June 2016


    Please start a separate discussion by clicking Ask a Question from the Karma Bank plugin page.

  • Any further advice @hgtonight ? Sorry to be a pain but I'm still struggling to get it working right :(

  • @JamieM I have sent you a PM.

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  • For future posters, this error was due to an incomplete upload.

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    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

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  • Thank you for all your help @hgtonight ! :D

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