Article Thumbnail Styling on Mobile

hello all anyone know how to custom list category with thumbnail view on mobile?
hello all anyone know how to custom list category with thumbnail view on mobile?
Responsive mobile styling for the default mobile theme will be added in the next release of the Articles app.
For now, you can edit your mobile theme's custom.css file and add your own styling rules to have the article thumbnails show up the way you would like.
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thanks mr.shadow
I think it will be better if you uses real titles for your posts, because just "Article" or "Readmore" isn't really good for your post's visibility.
It's important because in the future we could help you faster, and for users who have problems that you already had it can help too ^^
And don't forget to use the "Ask a question" link on the plugin page if your problem is about one.
I agree with @K17's comment above. This would be helpful, @RonMega89.
I edited this discussion's title from "Article" to "Article Thumbnail Styling on Mobile."
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