Problem Jsconnect with my site
i am trying to use Jsconnect with my webiste.
But that no working good.
My endpoint work well, the test link is ok.
Exemple :
But when i connect to the forum with a new user (new email adress), any user will be create.
I don't understand this in guide :
"When linking or redirecting signed-in users to your forum, use the /sso endpoint on the forum. This triggers jsConnect’s user lookup on the connection with “default sign in method” selected without the user needing to click. Optionally, you can provide a Target parameter with a relative path to specify where they should ultimately land on the forum. Example: This is the final critical step in a fully seamless experience."
I try this :
(because my url forum is "")
But i have a empty white page and any user create ...
Can you help me ?
The plugin is installed correctly & the remote authentication URL looks good. When we hit the "test" button we go to the page on our system containing the following text:
We use this :
Now when we go to our forum, They are the name "lupyo" but The sign in buttons & register buttons are shown ??
we are never signed in. And the user is not created in the database.
I'm tired, there's absolutely nothing that works with this forum ... BYE
@lupyo - there's a lot working in this forum and it's very flexible. That flexibility is a double edge sword - on one hand you have the power to control a lot in terms of information content and presentation, and on the other that power comes with some complexity. My guess is that you could tie yourself with another technology and then down the road find that your hands indeed are tied.
I haven't used JS Connect so I can't help you specifically. This is a volunteer forum (like me - I'm not affiliated with Vanilla) so if you feel that your questions are ignored or unanswered there's a good chance that your posts were simply missed. Do a search for Jsconnect and see from the search results posts who are the volunteers who have responded to related questions and then and only after you've given few days for people to react you can post a follow up with reference to a volunteer responder by entering their username preceeded by the @ symbol.
The links in your question are no longer live. A properly configured site using jsConnect will present the following user experience.
If the user is logged in on the base site:
If the user is not logged in on the base site:
You can modify this for a more seamless experience using the sso endpoint, the auto connect plugin, and only showing the direct forum link for signed in users (show the sign in on main site with redirect to forum for logged out users).
It depends on how you want/need your forum set up.
Note that jsConnect requires the user to have JS enabled to work automagically.
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thank you but I definitivly cancel the idea of using Vanilla. I was not able to properly use JSconnect despite many hours spent. I opted for another forum.
thank you for your help.
you gotta do what you gotta do. The best software is the software you feel comfortable with.
I know there is this sso video.
from docs.
Why jsConnect?
SSO systems are complex. Setting up your own SAML or OAuth system takes a lot of time, and generally is not feasible for small-to-medium business owners.
If you have a website that stores your user’s identity and the only thing you need to integrate is a forum, jsConnect is a far simpler solution. This is because we’ve abstracted most of the work to our side of the connection, and provide sample code for making your side.
However, even our easier solution does require a developer on your team. A developer can typically set up the client side of jsConnect in 2-6 hours using our technical documentation. The only exception is WordPress users, for which we’ve developed a ready-to-go SSO plugin.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.