Poll will not show on mobile devices.

OK, I have been chided for putting this on the main board.

So I put it on mobile themes, and was told it should be over here. So, if I look like an idiot, it's probably because I am. Honestly, I just figured out today that there are separate boards for each add-on.

Anyway, polls were added, work just fine on the site.

But mobile users get an initial post on the thread, and it looks fine except where you expect to see the poll question and options, you get nothing. Not even a blank area where you would expect it. And you don't get the bar graph showing votes. Just nothing.

We are using the basic mobile theme that comes with 2.2.1.

I've been looking at the code in the DiscussionPoll files, but nothing is jumping out at me.

Thanks very much.


  • It is mobile friendly, but may depend on hooks that no longer exist in the 2.2 default mobile theme.

    I have not tested this on 2.2.1 yet.

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  • I interpret this to mean that it is a matter of either the mobile theme or discussionpolls being updated at some point in the future. I can report to our forum members that it is not the addled admin--this time!

    Thanks for your reply.

  • HG, if you have any coding ideas for the theme or discussion polls, I'm happy to be a guinea pig.

  • @help_me said:
    HG, if you have any coding ideas for the theme or discussion polls, I'm happy to be a guinea pig.

    Please try one of my mobile themes and report if it works .. Then you can apply what is missing in the default theme.

    Try YellowMobile theme. https://vanillaforums.org/addon/yellowmobile-theme

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited November 2016

    @help_me said:
    if you have any coding ideas for the theme or discussion polls, I'm happy to be a guinea pig.

    the theme is not the problem as I tried to suggest to you in the three other discussions!

    @hgtonight said: It is mobile friendly, but may depend on hooks that no longer exist in the 2.2 default mobile theme.

    I have not tested this on 2.2.1 yet.

    here is the broken download. that you downloaded. broken in every version of vanilla I tried 2.1.x and 2.2.x and 2.3x. same as you. not sure why it is not updated to work with stable or future version.

    I apologize for above authors response you have been given above since you are a new person to this forum. But I hope you have learned a few things from the links I provided and the comments I provided for you. Here is a zip that should work for you. The plugin you downloaded is broken period and should be updated. and this attachment should work in both 2.2.1 and 2.3rc1 and mobile. And in 2.2 just overwrite the plugin.

    I know you are new to this and the answers given to you should at least be researched and the download as easy as possible for a new person.

    Below (with just one l as opposed to bellows) is the Fixed and easy to download patched plugin (patches and fixes from other users) using the same folder name format. I've incremented the version number, since it is a very very poor practice to have the same version number of plugin for multiple versions of a plugin. That is why it is called version control sometimes, for that very purpose, correcting, patching, and incrementing the version number as changes are made.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • River, thanks very much.

    This installed fine. I'm unsure if this is yours or a work on process, etc. But to give you feedback, it does appear on the mobile theme now. The colorful bar graphs are gone, and just percentage numbers appear.

    I will look at some of the code to see if there is an obvious edit for that. I'm not complaining (I'm grateful, actually), but I thought you or someone would rather have the feedback than not. The default setting on the version in the dashboard gives the bars, at least it did for me. But obviously not on mobile devices, which yours does.

    Thanks, again.

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited November 2016

    @help_me said:
    River, thanks very much.

    The colorful bar graphs are gone, and just percentage numbers appear.

    I will look at some of the code to see if there is an obvious edit for that. I'm not complaining (I'm grateful, actually), but I thought you or someone would rather have the feedback than not. The default setting on the version in the dashboard gives the bars, at least it did for me. But obviously not on mobile devices, which yours does.

    Thanks, again.

    Great, of course feedback helps the community.

    Feedback is a loop - from the respondee and the plugin author (or others if the author doesn't upgrade the plugin in the add-on section).

    If a user takes the time to give patches. it would be the responsible thing to do to put the new additions in the add-on section of the forum, where downloads are easily available to new users.

    But if no one responds and does anything with the feedback and drops it like a boat anchor or ignores it, future feedback is slower to come and lack of response is counter-productive to future feedback from the community.

    • did you delete the entire old plugin before installing the new one? you could give that a try. and enable and disable the plugin via the dashboard and delete your cache. and disable memcache if you can.

    • I saw color bars when I tested. I look at it again later, and see if it works later.

    • you can also look to see that the discussion polls css is being loaded.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited November 2016


    can you use your webbrowser tools to see if the discussionpolls.css is being loaded.

    did you delete the entire old DiscussionPolls folder before installing the new one? you could give that a try. and enable and disable the plugin via the dashboard and delete your cache. and disable memcache if you can.

    DO NO LEAVE DUPLICATES of the plugin, they will interfere with one another.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Yes, deleted the entire original download first.

    Yes, I enabled it, but curiously it seems to not allow itself to be disabled. Perhaps that is diagnostic of something.

    I see web developers tools in Chrome, but unsure how to use that.

    These CSS files are uploaded on our server:

    admin.discussionpolls.css, 704 bytes
    discussionpolls.css, 1,021 bytes
    settings.discussionpolls.css, 126 bytes

  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited November 2016

    @help_me said: Yes, I enabled it, but curiously it seems to not allow itself to be disabled.

    this is a symptom of the folder not matching the name of the plugin in the plugin info.


    therefore the folder name must be DiscussionPolls

    upper and lower case must match the folder name.

    Also always best to disable the plugin via the dashboard before changing it, and then enabling it.

    but if you can't disable via the dashboard yo can always remove the one line regarding discussionspolls true in the config.php.

    Always try to enable via the dashboard. because just adding the line to the config doesn't perform all the necessary actions that enabling via the dashboard does.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • Ah, I renamed it. Let me fix that.

  • You, sir, are a genius.

    And I, alas, am not.

  • To expand on my last post, you are correct, and this question can be marked ANSWERED, although not quite sure how to do that.

    The answer is that your updated DiscussionPoll plugin fixes this in basic mobile themes.


  • RiverRiver MVP
    edited November 2016

    @help_me said:
    To expand on my last post, you are correct, and this question can be marked ANSWERED, although not quite sure how to do that.

    The answer is that your updated DiscussionPoll plugin fixes this in basic mobile themes.


    nice feedback. I can't mark it solved only a moderator can.

    Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.

  • @River thanks for the help.

    I posted 1.3.6 to the repo here.

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