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Define the startpage TITLE only

phreakphreak MVP
edited November 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi all,

I know that the answer is burried here somewhere but I can't find it.

I would like to give my startpage of Vanilla this title: "Home - XYZ the best forum for this and that."
and all other pages this title: "Any other page the home title -"

Sure this can be accomplished in the /conf/locale.php through $Definition['All Discussions'] = 'Home';
and in the /conf/config.php through this '$Configuration['Garden']['Title'] = "XYZ the best forum for this and that.";

But this title would then be shown on all subpages. Can anyone tell me how to only how to define a specific title only for the startpage and keep the regular forum name everywhere else?

Thanks, phreak

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    1. Set the configurations to what you want everywhere else.
    2. Check before render if you are on the home page (compare against default route).
    3. If you are, override the configurations in-memory. (saveToConfig('', 'Value', array('Save' => false));)
    4. Profit

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