Grammar Corrections
Dear Vanilla Forums Members,
Wondering how one may request grammar review. For example: "As a matter of fact, it can be used to add comments to any page on the web.In order for this to work, you will need to enable embedding.".
Seems a space should be inserted.
And, "Welcome Aboard!"
Seems capitalization incorrectly utilized.
Anthony Brian Mallgren
You can fix that your self in your own installation and even use any word you want instead. All via $Definitions ... localization or plain changing them yourself in the files .
You can also file a pull request or file an issue
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Neither of those are errors in grammar.
The first is a clearly a typo, the second is a style choice which, as Vrijvlinder points out, any user is able to change to suit his or her own preference.
I would like to ask some more about this capitalisation style choice. I recently started working on the Dutch translation on Transifex, adding the few missing translations and correcting all kinds of little mistakes. I've now worked my way through dash_core.php and still plan to do the other two files (dash_text and site_core), but I've also decapitalised a lot of strings in the translation (Confirm Your Email Address -> Bevestig je e-mailadres (Dutch for "Confirm your email address")). Would you like me to revert those capitalisation changes back to the capitalised version, or is it fine to keep them like that and also decapitalise the strings in the other two files? I am personally in favour of the latter (and will do that in any case for our local forum), but I don't want to force my own views on this project :P
I would also like to note that, at the moment, the translations on Transifex are not consistent with regard to preserving the capitalisation choices of the original strings (at least the Dutch and the French ones). Now I will fix the Dutch one with the answer to my question above, but it might be worth also looking into the other translations.
On a further note, but I guess this should actually be a question for the Localization category (please do move it if it's out of place here), there seem to be some redundant strings in the translations. For instance, they contain both the string 'The url that users use to sign in.' and 'The URL where users sign in on your site' (also please note the difference in capitalisation and the lack of a period in the latter string). Would it be possible to somehow remove these?
Welcome to the community, and thank you for taking the time to contribute to Vanilla's translation.
Speaking purely personally, I would say that you should go with the capitalisation you feel happy with.
Vanilla makes it easy for users to change text where they want to, so if someone else thinks capitals would be better they can always add them in their own locale file.
In general, we capitalize each major word in titles, headings, and buttons. Otherwise, first-word-only capitalization is fine. So, context matters. I can't promise every English version is completely consistent in this regard.
I'd welcome pull requests that help to resolve inconsistencies. The best way to fix capitalization in particular is to do so via the second parameter of
so we don't break every existing translation.Thanks for the replies, I'll keep it in mind!
You can use CSS to convert anything to all caps by using text transform
example :
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