playmymp3 plugin not working after upgrade forum to 2.3

mdrajaskmdrajask New
edited December 2016 in General Banter

I want to play any uploaded mp3 & mp4 file in my vanilla forum with auto emembed player.

playmymp3 & play mp3 links both plugin not working after upgrade forum to 2.3
please help...


  • Hi, Unfortunately the plugin is no longer being supported by the authors of the 1Bit player Since flash players are no longer popular ,but you can try to make it work on your own. I don't have time now to look into it .

  • please.... any one create this plungin... this is important for me

  • Is self-hosting the audio a requirement? Vanilla auto-embeds links to SoundCloud which is a cloud service that does what you want, I think:

  • edited December 2016

    @Linc said:
    Is self-hosting the audio a requirement? Vanilla auto-embeds links to SoundCloud which is a cloud service that does what you want, I think:

    No, what this plugin did was create an mp3 player when you posted a link to the mp3. You don't need to host the audio. Just have a link to the mp3 song. This worked instead of opening a browser window to play the song when clicked.

    But it is possible that some of the changes in Vanilla have affected how the player is embedded. Possibly blocking it altogether. Since flash has become unpopular most flash based players have been replaced with html audio or video.

    The 1bit flash player for mp3 has been abandoned for 3 years now.

  • I'm pretty sure most browsers could just do an <audio> tag embed for an MP3, that's true.

  • @mdrajask said:
    please.... any one create this plungin... this is important for me

    Ok , I fixed it and now works with 2.3 , Merry Xmas !

  • thanks sir
    but this is not working for my vanilla forum...
    I don't know what is the problems are..

  • @mdrajask said:
    thanks sir
    but this is not working for my vanilla forum...
    I don't know what is the problems are..

    only working in laptop , not working in mobile browser.. please fix it

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    @mdrajask a dit :
    only working in laptop , not working in mobile browser.. please fix it

    @vrijvlinder a dit :
    The 1bit flash player for mp3 has been abandoned for 3 years now.

    It's not working on mobile because It's Flash-based. The only (as I know) mobile browser who came with flash is Puffin.
    I think it will be betteraves if it uses the audio Html5 tag, who should work on mobile devices (Chrome Android and Opera Mini is Html5 capable, I think Firefox too)

  • @mdrajask said:

    @mdrajask said:
    thanks sir
    but this is not working for my vanilla forum...
    I don't know what is the problems are..

    only working in laptop , not working in mobile browser.. please fix it

    This will only work on browsers that support Flash. Not the plugin's fault.

    Photon is a browser for iPhone that supports flash.

  • @K17 said:

    @mdrajask a dit :
    only working in laptop , not working in mobile browser.. please fix it

    @vrijvlinder a dit :
    The 1bit flash player for mp3 has been abandoned for 3 years now.

    It's not working on mobile because It's Flash-based. The only (as I know) mobile browser who came with flash is Puffin.
    I think it will be betteraves if it uses the audio Html5 tag, who should work on mobile devices (Chrome Android and Opera Mini is Html5 capable, I think Firefox too)

    I am using chrome android but not working

  • edited December 2016

    @mdrajask said:
    I am using chrome android but not working

    **Chrome for Android will not be supporting Flash. As you may have seen in November, 2011, Adobe announced it has stopped investing in Flash for mobile browsing. ... Chrome for Android is based on the same source as Chrome for desktop. Chrome for Android brings desktop-class browsing to mobile devices.
    FAQ - Google Chrome **

    This Browser for mobile supports flash

  • so, youtube is the best platform for upload mp3 mp4. it's supported all mobile browser for vanillaforum.

    soundcloud also good but it's limited upload & paid service for unlimited upload

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    Oh just see that my phone corrects "Better" to "Betteraves".

    @mdrajask It's because YouTube use Html5 instead of Flash Player, so mobile devices can play it ^^

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