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Any advantage or disavantage to a seperate mobile theme?

There is another free forum script that doesn't use a separate "mobile" theme for cell phone or tablet viewing, the default theme is responsive, (like WordPress) so no need for a separate mobile theme. Any advantages or disadvantages to having the default theme automatically be responsive? Is Vanilla looking at making the default theme responsive in the future?


  • You can already use the same theme for both. This has been around for years. Simply select the same theme !!!

  • @snooty said:
    Is Vanilla looking at making the default theme responsive in the future?

    Yes. There are many challenges involved, including maintaining backwards compatibility.

  • The benefits are that you can make the mobile experience better if it's a separate theme in my opinion.

    But with responsive themes that use advanced css you can use one theme.

    I find questions like these obtuse because the person asking them should know css scss and all sorts of things related to themes in order to understand the answers...

    No, there is no benefit either way if you can't tell the difference.. it makes no difference ..

  • My boards have specific integrations like adservers or user journey tracking. Also OnPage optimization like plugins that get loaded or not, redundant code in CSS and so can be kept out way easier. When everyone screamed "Responsive" i didi pretty good in optimizing separate themes for all CMSes i use, i recommend that heavily.

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • You can customize a bit more if you wish, and use different integrations if needed.

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