Any idea why first Rank is being awarded multiple times?

Hi, I am using Yaga to award Ranks to users. We register new forum members via our main app (using the $UserModel->InsertForBasic method). Once they have verified their email and they access the forum as a verified member, the first rank (newbie) is awarded twice, and sometimes 3 times.

Any idea why this might be?

Thanks in advance.


  • When a rank promotion occurs, an activity record is created. If a user gets demoted, an activity record is not created. There could be a conflicting configuration that causes a demotion and promotion. The promotion apparently wins out.

    Or you could have found a bug.

    Mind posting your configuration of the ranks?

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  • Hi @hgtonight - Sure...

  • @hgtonight any ideas?

  • SaryahSaryah New
    edited July 2017

    I've got this too. Sign-up regular Vanilla stuff, Level 1 rank posted a couple times for each newbie in recent activity.

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