CSS not working when redirects to HTTPS

No idea how could this be possible, when I refirect to SSL (https) the CSS stops working. Not all CSS only the sidebar message css.
Any idea how can be this fixed?
No idea how could this be possible, when I refirect to SSL (https) the CSS stops working. Not all CSS only the sidebar message css.
Any idea how can be this fixed?
Is the CSS file being retrieved from a remote server? Not all servers host over the https protocol.
If it is a local server, do you have any server rules specific to CSS?
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Yes, the file is readed from the local files. When I eneter via http it works everything I added on custom.css when I enter with https it wont show.
Are you hosting it on the https protocol?
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Do you own an SSL certificate for your site ? You need to sort that out with your host.
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Hello. Yes I do have a valid SSL (lets encrypt). This is really strange.