Can't view discussion and comments

edited February 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I initially installed vanilla and everything was working fine, then i deleted the first installation mistakenly afterwhich i installed a fresh one and i noticed that nobody including admin can view discussion and comments. i keep getting this message "Something has gone wrong". Rapid response will be appreciated because we closed to launch date.


  • Try deleting the .ini files from the cache and careful not to delete other things

  • If that suggestion doesn't work, search this forum for 'something has gone wrong' or check the FAQ in Tutorials to see how to get a more detailed error message.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    Try deleting the .ini files from the cache and careful not to delete other things

    @whu606 said:
    If that suggestion doesn't work, search this forum for 'something has gone wrong' or check the FAQ in Tutorials to see how to get a more detailed error message.

    Thanks, i did a fresh installation and everything is back to normal.

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