Dashboard stats have suddenly stopped showing up
Hello everyone,
Perhaps days ago, the graphs showing visits and so on in the Dashboard has suddenly stopped showing up, having been replaced by a never-ending "progress bar". I've attached a photo of what I see.
I haven't changed the files of the site in any way for ages, so I'm not sure of the cause of this, but would be appreciative of any advice and/or solutions.
Thank you very much!
Please disable all plugins from the dashboard and try to isolate the problem or find out the error ...
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After disabling every plugin (except VanillaStats and VanillaSEO), the problem seems to persist - is there anything else I could possibly try?
Disable those too... my money is on VanillaSEO as the culprit...
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I have exactly the same issue. I don't have VanillaSEO in plugins. I did disable VanillaStats and then this call with no reply vanished from Dashboard. Instead a list of Recently Active Users appeared I could not see before! Enabling VanillaStats again make endless call reappear and list of recently active user vanish. I'm on Vanilla 2.2.1 and Version checker for plugin gives no new update available for plugins I have.
The endless call loop is as above in pic.
I did disable VanillaStats again for time being.
I have the same issue on 2.3. Note that this is after about two weeks of waiting each time I went to the dashboard because the stats graph would take 2-10 seconds to load. Now it doesn't load at all. I don't have Vanilla SEO, either.
The problem seems to sadly remain, or a situation happens as described by the other users right above me (the graphs disappear entirely in favour of a list of recently active users).
What's strange about all this is that I haven't made any changes to the website itself. One week it was working just fine, the next, it became an endless loop. I'm not sure what happened between those times.
GET http://#######.com/plugins/vanillaanalytics/js/vendors/js.cookie.js?v= 404 (Not Found)
Ok the problem seems to be that the server for the analytics which comes from vanillaforums.com is not finding the file and generates a 404.
I filed an issue https://github.com/vanilla/addons/issues/455
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Thanks, @vrijvlinder !
Alright, appreciated. Thanks for all the help. I assume then that there's nothing I (we) can do on my own (our) end to fix this issue in the meantime, and we simply have to wait it out?
I just wanted to report that my forum (running Vanilla 2.3) is also having this problem of not showing stats in the dashboard. Following...
The issue has been filed. It is only a matter of when or if they will read it and or fix it...
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Who is "they?" ? Vanilla core devs ?
Apparently no one has been assigned to look into this issue despite it being filed..
sorry that is as much as one can do.. maybe I filed it in the wrong place, if that is the reason no one has looked at it, I take the blame and I am sorry. I thought I filed it in the right place.
Please start a new discussion about this issue, and hopefully someone will pay attention and do something to fix this terrible blunder. Without statistics that plugin/service is worthless..
I am just a volunteer here, nothing more, not even a moderator... and even though I have contributed time and code, _ am nothing and people including the Vanilla Staff , do not take me seriously , maybe because I am in my 50's and a woman... Please forgive me for that, I was born that way...
Their priority is their assets and not open source so be patient... I am sure they will fix it when they get a chance...
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@vrijvlinder I take you seriously. Just sayin'.
Well, I certainly appreciated your help. So you recommend we start a whole new discussion rather than continue this one to address this issue?
I think tagging developers might work better than starting a new discussion.
@Linc @DaazKu @beckyvb @Tim hey guys there seems to be an issue, could you guys take a look?
I've assigned it to @DaazKu to take a look this week.
I was on vacation in New Orleans the last 10 days.
I don't know why you're casting aspersions on yourself. Gender, age, number of posts, and community tenure (beyond a bare minimum) aren't among my qualifications for being a moderator. Not being asked to moderate doesn't mean I think less of someone.
On one community I run I haven't added a moderator in more than five years despite it being even more active than this site - and my lead moderator there is a woman (and yes, over 50) who has done the job for more than a decade. So it's possible this gay community manager might not be an ageist and sexist.
Our primary assets are open source.
That. Just. Happened.