Problems with installing plugins

This discussion was created from comments split from: How To Add Stats In HomePage Disscussion?.


  • How to install plugins vanilla version 2.4 on CentOS 6.7 ?

    I do it :

    • unzip
    • move to plugins folder to /var/www/html/mysite/plugins
    • click setting > addons > plugins

    It's not appear all plugins.

    Need someone help
    Thank you.

  • That is a known caching problem:

    Do you have memcached enabled?
    If yes: restart the service, if no: delete the file /cache/addon.php
    Afterwards you should be able to see the new plugin in the list.

  • By the way: splitting discussions is tough work for me because I'm always unsure about what title to choose. Could you please help me by not adding your questions to discussions where they do not really fit to and open a new discussion for a new topic by yourself? Thanks :wink:=)

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