No roles for users after Migration from SMF2 to vanilla 2.3

I migrated from SMF2 to Vanilla 2.3. Now my users have no role attached.
Also, These were the Roles migrated from SMF to vanilla
I intend to this:
1. I want all the above roles removed
2. I just want to have the basic roles Vanilla has (like Admin, Moderator, Member, Applicant and guest)
3. I want current email confirmed/verified users to get the Member role.
4. All visitors should get guest role and able to only view entire forum posts and categories
5. All email unverified users to get Applicant role, they should be able to login and view all forum post, but can comment/create posts.
How do I achieve this??
This may help
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I have removed all roles and created new basic roles and set all confirmed users as members. Also set the role permissions using FAQ screenshots. All my users are stilll showing
Roles Not Verified, Member
Can you help me with a mysql statement to select all member role users (only) and mark them verified ??
Verified user is done on their profile. It does not really do anything that I know of.. maybe it keeps them from getting a spam mark , not sure. But as far as I know it means or does nothing.
But I could be wrong.. will try to search for answers, maybe @Linc can help shed some light.
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A verified user is a user who is most probably not a spammer. His privileges to (I suspect "to" is wrong here - what would be correct?) a non-verified user are:
'compared to' or 'in comparison with' would work.
I had hoped it could be said shorter, but thanks!
Can these users verify themselves somehow?? if thats possible ill just leave it to them to verify themselves when they login, or get a prompt while making a post or something..
if not then somehow Ill have to make sure they are verified.. as they had the privileges to post and had confirmed their email before migrating to Vanilla from smf2.
please advise.
No, they cannot. Verified is something a moderator has to assign to a user. But you could bypass this and simply make every new user a verified user. But that functionality is a way to prevent spam. So you really should think about circumventing it.
You would need a simple plugin with the code below as its only method. Or if you have a custom theme, you could add it to your themehooks file (searching this forum should give you help how to do this, but if you do not succeed getting it working, just ask again):