Bugs & deficiencies with moderation queue

ginahoyginahoy New
edited March 2017 in Feedback

In my forum, all new members are initially subject to moderation. I'm having problems managing the moderation queue due to a number of bugs and design deficiencies. I wanted to document these all in one place, and see if anyone has developed any fixes.

a) when a Comment is approved, the 'Replies' count on the Category & Discussion tables is not updated (bug)

b) when a Comment is approved, the 'Most Recent' poster is not updated (bug, previously reported by peregrine

Note that (a) and (b) are resolved by running /dba/counts. Not something you want to require moderators to do every time they clear their queue.

c) moderated Discussions are added to a user's Comments count; should be added to Discussions count (bug)

Running /dba/counts does not resolve item (c).

d) when a Comment or Discussion is approved, notification pop-ups & emails are not triggered (deficiency)

e) selected Category should be displayed for pending Discussions (deficiency)
Moderators must ensure Discussions are posted to correct category. It would be nice to move miscategorized Discussions at same time as approval, at a minimum, the category should be displayed under pending Discussion so moderators don't have to navigate to the forum to check for correct category every time they approve a discussion.

f) target Discussion should be displayed for pending Comments (deficiency)
When approving a comment, it would be very helpful to show title (link) for the discussion to which the comment was posted. Without context, it's sometimes difficult to evaluate whether a comment complies with our posting rule that comments be 'on topic'.

g) there should be a notification option (pop-up & email) for moderators when there are pending comments or discussions (deficiency)
Otherwise, a moderator for a sub-forum (category) with light traffic must visit the forum & moderation queue frequently just to check to see if there are any pending items in the queue.


  • After further testing, item (c) appears to have been an unexplained database glitch related to one user, not a bug.

  • edited March 2017

    The place to post these things is https://github.com/vanilla

    This forum is for basic help to those who want to use this software as a community forum.

    Please file an issue there...

  • Thanks for reconciling the list @R_J, much appreciated.

  • I've sprinted the above issues for 2.5.

  • I cannot emphasize this enough:

    1. It is not reasonable to expect a random new person here to effectively use our issue tracker right off the bat and understand how to translate what they need/want into GitHub (or find the existing issue). They have neither the words (product vocabulary) nor the technical expertise in using GitHub.

    2. I am up to my neck in Vanilla issues and communication overhead surrounding them every. single. day. All day. The idea that I am going to then come triage more problems and do the same thing on this forum for open source folks is... unrealistic. I want to be helpful. But I cannot handle more. I had skimmed this discussion and bookmarked it, but I literally never would've gotten to the point of looking it all up. That part of my brain is just completely burnt out & spent.

    Bridging that chasm as @R_J just did is the lord's work.

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