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How to make a "wall" for another page/s?

I want to put the "wall" functionality that can be found on profile pages on other pages as well, which people with a certain permission for that can access. How can I do this?
What kind of Wall functionality are you talking about?
You could just create a sticky thread for discussion.
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@hgtonight , I am talking about the wall on profile pages.
I understand what a wall is. I was asking what kind of functionality you were looking for considering a discussion has more features than a wall.
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Same as profile, but for each category.
Sorry to intrude, @poins, but you want that each category of your forum to behave as a wall as seen on a profile, and do not receive topics, only posts?
@arthrfrts , I want on a separate page, for each category, to have a wall, where a user with a certain permission for that category can post, and others can comment on that post.
Sorry to ask you but actually this isn't going to only disperse the content of your users? Having a wall of posts and forum posts? This sounds confusing to me.
Responding your question, however, I think this can only be done with a plugin. I don't know if this functionality exists already.
@arthurfreitas , can you do the code?
Sorry, I can't. I'm not a good developer for this kind of thing.
@arthrfrts , ok, thanks.