Embed doesn't work on imported users - only on new users (after import)

So I imported my SMF forum into vanilla, which worked great. However, the embed function does not work for users that were registered on SMF. For new users this function does work.
Users that were already using my forum when it was still SMF get the following error on the embed function:
DiscussionController->Discussion not found.
The error occurred on or near: /vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php
38: Deprecated('DiscussionController->CommentData', "DiscussionController->data('Comments')");
39: return $this->data('Comments');
40: break;
41: }
42: throw new Exception("DiscussionController->$Name not found.", 400);
43: }
45: /**
46: * Default single discussion display.
Any thoughts?
Could you try disabling any plugins you may have and see if the problem still persists?
And could you link your forum?
It was the PrefixDiscussion plugin. Embed won't work for Admins when this plugin is enabled. Doesn't have to do with the SMF import. Thanks!
Doesn't really have to be fixed for me anymore but if anyone knows a quick fix, feel free to share. :P
Thanks for the feedback! I've uploaded a new version which should work flawlessly.