edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Anyone using the CAPTCHA extension successfully?

The image won't show up for me.

Yes I have GD 2.0.28 installed.

Further, when I try to load the missing image...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imageftbbox() in /forum/extensions/CAPTCHA/library/ on line 296


  • It work for me. What is your php version? It will try when I more time to work on the captcha extension.
  • You need the GD library configured in PHP I believe. You may want to check that.
  •  Quote: zinor  You need the GD library configured in PHP I believe. You may want to check that.
    Nope, too hard, my provider takes days to get back to me and weeks to actually understand what my problem is.
    If it don't work out of the box it gets trashed I'm afraid.
  • I have installed the CAPTCHA extension in a brand new Vanilla 1 installation, in a server which - like Wanderer's - seems to fulfill the requirements. I, too, am experiencing exactly the same problem. My server gives me a more precise error description, stating that the problem was that the "imageftbbox" function (used in "") is undefined.

    I honestly hope the developer can solve this!

    Last of all, one request: as well as showing the captcha image, it would be nice if we could also show a little message (for instance, "If you have problems viewing this image, please contact the Forum Adminstrator"), with a link to the administrator's address, for people with visual difficulties.

    Many thanks, and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
  •  Quote: icouto would be nice if we could also show a little message (for instance, "If you have problems viewing this image, please contact the Forum Adminstrator"), with a link to the administrator's address, for people with visual difficulties.
    Do you think if people are visually impaired to the point that they can't see the image they are going to be able to see the text message?
  • And there was me thinking the whole point of standards compliant websites was to make it easier for text readers...
  • @ Wanderer and icouto: What is your php version?
  • @Wanderer: people with visual difficulties often use software that can read the screen text to them - so text with a link to the administrator would be good for this audience.

    @Dinoboff: the output of phpinfo() tells me that the version is 4.3.11. GD support is enabled, and the GD version is "bundled (2.0.28 compatible)". Does that help? - let me know if there is any more info I can give you!
  • I will try to find out why your php doesn't know the function (it should).

    On the todo list:
    * make the captcha compatible with more php version.
    * Add an audio CAPTCHA (require Flite - easy to add but couldn't install Flite, so I couldn't tested it. If someone as flite installed on is server, let know)
    * Add a registration by approval instead of the audio captcha.
    * Add advanced options for the Visual captcha.
  • Dinoboff, my phpinfo() tells me...
    PHP Version 4.3.10
    GD Support enabled
    GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
  • *bump* @Dinoboff: I hope you haven't given up on this extension just yet! :) I'm *really* looking forward to trying out a version that might work on my PHP/GD... ;)
  • About CAPTCHA, I wonder what you guys think about this. It seems to work, and it's really cute :)
  • @̣Ø: all the pictures seem to be mising from the grid - they all show as "?".

    For some more CAPTCHA alternatives have a look at:
  • edited September 2006
    It's currently quite a buggy version, sometimes you'll need to hit submit several times before the pictures are actually displayed. What I've posted above is close to Pix from your link.
  • Another interesting site with information on Turing tests which are suitable for a wider audience, including people with visual disabilities and dyslexia, have a look also at:
  • Sorry, Have been quite busy the last few weeks. I will try to work on it this week
  • edited September 2006
    Is someone can test the new release? It is using imagettfbbox() instead of imageftbbox(), and imagettftext() instead of imagefttext()
  • @Dinoboff: thank you very much for looking into it!

    I downloaded, installed and enabled the extension - oh, by the way: the "readme" file in the package is actually the readme for the "Applicant Email Verification" extension, not for the CAPTCHA!

    Unfortunately, still getting the same error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagettfbbox() in (~...)/public_html/forumoj/extensions/CAPTCHA/library/ on line 296
  • That might be a problem with the FreeType library. You have to check that with your hosting provider.
  • @Dinoboff: I've contacted my service provider, and you are right. Here is their response:

    "I have verified it and this problem is due to freetype module missing. I will recompile php with freetype support in non peak hours and let you know shortly."

    Maybe this might be something worthwhile documenting, somewhere in the 'requirements' for this add-on, in case other users have similar problems in the future!

    PS: have you changed your "ReadMe" file? The one you had included in the download package was the wrong one! :)
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