Problems with using the vanilla importer from a phpBB 3.2 forum

I'm trying to use the importer to get a (successful, mind) dump of a phpBB 3.2 (upgraded from 3.0, so I could use a 3.0 dump if needed) to importer. It gets to loading table 3, then quits because:
Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'Garden.Settings.Manage' at row 1|Gdn_Database|Query|insert GDN_Permission (`RoleID`, `Garden.Email.View`, `Garden.Settings.Manage`, `Garden.Settings.View`, `Garden.SignIn.Allow`, `Garden.Users.Add`, `Garden.Users.Edit`, `Garden.Users.Delete`, `Garden.Users.Approve`, `Garden.Activity.Delete`, `Garden.Activity.View`, `Garden.Profiles.View`, `Garden.Profiles.Edit`, `Garden.Curation.Manage`, `Garden.Moderation.Manage`, `Garden.PersonalInfo.View`, `Garden.AdvancedNotifications.Allow`, `Garden.Community.Manage`, `Conversations.Moderation.Manage`, `Conversations.Conversations.Add`, `Vanilla.Approval.Require`, `Vanilla.Comments.Me`) values (:RoleID, :GardenEmailView, :GardenSettingsManage, :GardenSettingsView, :GardenSignInAllow, :GardenUsersAdd, :GardenUsersEdit, :GardenUsersDelete, :GardenUsersApprove, :GardenActivityDelete, :GardenActivityView, :GardenProfilesView, :GardenProfilesEdit, :GardenCurationManage, :GardenModerationManage, :GardenPersonalInfoView, :GardenAdvancedNotificationsAllow, :GardenCommunityManage, :ConversationsModerationManage, :ConversationsConversationsAdd, :VanillaApprovalRequire, :VanillaCommentsMe)
If I hack out the problematic roles table ('s just a tiny int->varchar(255) mapping, idk why it'd be problematic), I get further until it gets to updating counts 8/16. then it becomes
Column 'CountComments' cannot be null
My guess is something in the users table is fucky as that's the only reference to CountComments I can find in the dump, but I'm not sure what. This is a fresh vanilla 2.3.1 install on Ubuntu 14.04, Apache, PHP 7, and MariaDB.
Best Answer
R_J Admin
Incorrect integer value: ''
seems to be a good hint. The column expects a number and gets an empty string. Have you tried it with strict mode disabled?5
Incorrect integer value: ''
seems to be a good hint. The column expects a number and gets an empty string. Have you tried it with strict mode disabled?As for the first one, I don't see any invalid values at all:
Ok, turning off strict mode on the server got my past loading tables 3/18. It's still going, though.
is of typestring,string
, while the RoleID must be an integer. That would also fail if strict mode is enabled.The other integers in the tables are all quotes-surrounded, so they should be fine, and did so when I hacked out Permissions.
Thankfully, disabling strict mode managed a successful DB import. Thank you!
Glad to hear it succeeded in the end. Have fun with Vanilla!
the porter can mess up permissions, in my experience.
Type matters. NULL and "" and 0 could potentially produce very different result and that is critical when permission are concerned.
Always run the normal update procedure.
grep is your friend.
This is resolved.
I don't really think phpBB is a supported drop-in update target.