Post count not updating.



  • Just wanted to add a note of thanks on this thread, that I too had this problem, and thanks to @R_J 's help, as well as pointing me here, the change to class.categorycollection.php outlined by @rgp is working for me (and this is in a Vanilla 3.2 installation).

    Hopefully there's a fix that gets baked into the regular Vanilla distribution so that I don't have to apply this (admittedly small) fix after each upgrade!

  • I'm going to leave this information for anyone else who had the same problem I did.

    In order to get the counts working again, I had to go in and make some changes to the PHP version in Cpanel.

    Disable: pdo_mysql

    Enable: nd_mysqli

    Enable: nd_pdo_mysql

    Enable: mysqlnd

    Disable: mysqli

    No need to edit any Vanilla files.

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