Another word i've noticed while working in London is that some people really tend to overuse "Brilliant". It doesn't really bother me how people talk as long as I can understand them reasonably well! Although i dont have english as my first language so i guess i should keep quiet!
speaking of london, i really hated that everybody was calling me 'mate'. now i use it all the time, it's brilliant, you don't have to remember any names anymore and the girls you can just call 'love', although that's a bit common really.
Quote: traveljunkie speaking of london, i really hated that everybody was calling me 'mate'. Bloody Pomms, they stole that from us Aussies while we were saving their backsides in the trenches!
Anyone watched 'The World's Fastest Indian' ?
I liked the New zealand accent and way of talking ... I wonder if they still speak the same way now, I loved the film......................................
Bloody Pomms, they stole that from us Aussies while we were saving their backsides in the trenches!