


  • Another word i've noticed while working in London is that some people really tend to overuse "Brilliant". It doesn't really bother me how people talk as long as I can understand them reasonably well! Although i dont have english as my first language so i guess i should keep quiet!
  • speaking of london, i really hated that everybody was calling me 'mate'. now i use it all the time, it's brilliant, you don't have to remember any names anymore and the girls you can just call 'love', although that's a bit common really.
  • Most f us n Straya hav English az our second language 2!!
  •  Quote: traveljunkie  speaking of london, i really hated that everybody was calling me 'mate'.
    Bloody Pomms, they stole that from us Aussies while we were saving their backsides in the trenches!
  • i am guilty of the excessive ellipsis. i always thought it was pretty low on the annoyance scale, though...
  • Anyone watched 'The World's Fastest Indian' ? I liked the New zealand accent and way of talking ... I wonder if they still speak the same way now, I loved the film......................................
  • Anyways you look at it, "I loved the film......................................" is definitely excessive ellipsis!
  • Just kidding with nathan ! I know ..... childish....!
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