Ruby on Rails

Anyone played around with this yet?
I just installed it on tiger, it seems to be incredibly powerful... are there any major shortcomings I should be aware of?
I just installed it on tiger, it seems to be incredibly powerful... are there any major shortcomings I should be aware of?
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either way, good stuff.
i looked at rails and, well, it left some giggles.
after reading all the hype around it i somewhat assumed that it would solve my problems for me before i even think of them.
well, that was not the case. after fiddling around (admittedly only wrote a small form, chained to another) i decided that i would not (at least in the current state) be comfortable with it for the following reasons:
- i have no idea how it scales and i haven't seen any benchmarks, yet.
fastcgi is supported but i have seen little documentation about how the
abstraction layer actually gets stuff done. i assume it bangs the database at
least as bad as any other framework of the breed (e.g. java hibernate) for
anything involving more than one table.
- anywhere i looked it seemed that they are most proud of that in rails you can
write that little two-page app in only one and a half line of code.
i have yet to find an example of a really complex application realized in rails.
their little MVC generator seems cute but i think i'd quickly grow out of their
assumed pattern and need things (custom session handling, db
cascade/clustering) for performance or other reasons that would require
naaasty hacks to their framework.
- i find the hype pretty annoying. instead of all the backrubbing (after reading a
few rails docs i somewhat felt like some marketing-droid jizzed on me) i'd
actually prefer to read about some of the downsides and limitations.
the guys who designed it either didn't make the compromises that every
framework-designer has to make consciously, or they deliberately avoid to
mention them. all i get is a blurry "ROR is aimed at small to medium sized
applications". that's fine, can you elaborate?
after all, rails left the impression of a neat little toolbox to me.
but actually, more toy than tool, sorry.
sorry if this came out a bit harsh but as said, the amount of hype they get annoys me a bit.