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Page Manager 101



  • I tried it and it caused more problems and work than anything...
  • edited December 2006
    What is really the point of FriendlyURLs?
    I have been doing SEO for clients for 7 years, and there is absolutely no doubt that SEO friendly urls help with ranking and to a lesser extent, getting spidered as well (people often confuse 'getting spidered' with 'ranking well' - need both)

    You could argue about exactly how much it helps, and I am sure everyone can point to examples of sites that are performing well without it, but if you really want to see the difference you have to compare before and after - I do mod_rewrite regularly on database driven sites for clients and the difference is quite apparent.

    Whether it matters as much on a forum where your traffic is likely to be on the 'long tail' search phrases, is a different question.

    On this installation, I am going for some competitive phrases and want every weapon in the armoury.
  • @4eyes: it is actually supposed to only display the panel links when a page is hidden and on the index page, although you're right I did forget about mod_rewrite in that. The feature was suppose to be a sort of alternative to navigational tabs, so you could have a page without having a tab pointint to it. It's generally easy to modify, though. If you don't want 'hidden' pages to be shown in the panel, then you can set PAGE_LIST_LOC to 0; it also wouldn't take much editing to show the list on other pages.

    @y2kg: hmm, no troubles here. How does it 'mess up' exactly? Do the navigational tabs screw up, or were you refering to the tab list?
  • no this happens when reordering tabs
  • thanks SirNot - at least I know it is not me going mad or buggering it up :)
  • I gathered that, y2kg ;-) I was asking if, when you rearranged the tabs more than once without refreshing, the js/html tab list screwed up, or the actual navigational tab order was messed up on the next page load, or perhaps something else?
  • no it all looks fine when i reorder but when i refresh the tabs get all skrewed up, i did some testing and if you move one one up it blinks then move it right back, it blinks like it should have worked. I thought maybe it only does the first actions and disregards the the, but this is not tru if you move hat one and then mess with every other one randomly they become completely ot of order, and not the order that they appear in the list before you refresh.
  • Does the pagemanager use the same AJAX that is used to re-order roles/categories/etc?
  • y2kbg, what do you mean by "refresh"?

    Once you reorder the pages simply go to another TAB, you shouldn't refresh at this point.
  • @mini: yes, it does

    @y2kbg: I'm afraid I really wouldn't know what's causing this; I can't seem to replicate it on my machine and don't see why it would mess up in such a situation. Does it do the same thing with different browsers? What version of php do you happen to be running?
  • @sirnot: yea it does it in FF and Opera.

    @Wanderer: I meant hitting refresh. I does the same thing if i hit another tab or hit refresh.

    also I just installed the newest version of page manager with changing anything but taking out the part that adds the hidden pages to the side panel.
  • Hmmm, SirNot, I had what sounds like a very similar problem with the Panel Order extension I made - it occasionally saved stuff in random orders. I believe I have it working properly now but I've not used it myself for quite a while. I wonder if there's a bit of funkyness with the JS though?
  • Maybe so, mini. I don't really know anything about prototype and how to use its ajax implementation, I just sort of copied and pasted the js from the role management page :-P
  • *high five!

    I wonder if someone with some JS knowledge could look into it...I'm guessing it's probably well written maybe it's just a bit tempramental like all computer things.
  • Not wanting to clutter things up with a new discussion, my question seems to fit here.

    I get how to use this...
    if(in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php"))){

    How do I include a Page Manager page in this array?

    Posted: Friday, 30 March 2007 at 9:13AM

  • You would have to add it as a secondary comparison to the expression:
    if( in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('index.php', 'categories.php')) || ( ('index.php' == $Context->SelfUrl) && ('Guest' == ForceIncomingString('Page', '')) ) ){(I might be missing a paren somewhere)

    Or for multiple PageManager pages:
    if( in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('index.php', 'categories.php')) || ( ('index.php' == $Context->SelfUrl) && ( in_array(ForceIncomingString('Page', ''), array('Guest', 'Vote') ) ) ){
  • Super, thanks WallPhone,
    The first one worked, the second one didn't, kept complaining about an unexpected '}'

    I used two single comparisons in a row, it works. pic

    Posted: Friday, 30 March 2007 at 10:29AM

  • edited March 2007
    including index.php will include all page manager pages.
    u have to exclude them if u don't want them included by default
  • well if anyone wants it , you just needed one more parenthhesis
    if( in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('index.php', 'categories.php')) || ( ('index.php' == $Context->SelfUrl) && ( in_array(ForceIncomingString('Page', ''), array('Guest', 'Vote') ) ) )){
This discussion has been closed.