Do you know when I can't access "forum/dashboard/settings/themes" anymore ?
I am getting an error : "Something has gone wrong.
We've run into a problem and are unable to handle this request right now.
Please check back in a little while."
"Something has gone wrong" is only a nice placeholder for an ugly error message. You should temporarily add $Configuration['Debug'] = true; to your /conf/config.php
Hi. I've updated to version 2.6.4.
Do you know when I can't access "forum/dashboard/settings/themes" anymore ?
I am getting an error : "Something has gone wrong.
We've run into a problem and are unable to handle this request right now.
Please check back in a little while."
"Something has gone wrong" is only a nice placeholder for an ugly error message. You should temporarily add
$Configuration['Debug'] = true;
to your/conf/config.php
Thanks for your answer @R_J
This is the error I got:
Fatal Error in Vanilla\AddonManager.lookupAllByType();
Call to a member function getKey() on null
The error occurred on or near: /path/forum/library/Vanilla/AddonManager.php
294: $addons = [];
295: foreach ($index as $addonDirName => $addonDirPath) {
296: try {
297: $addon = $this->lookupSingleCachedAddon($addonDirName, $type);
298: $addons[$addon->getKey()] = $addon;
299: } catch (\Exception $ex) {
300: trigger_error("The $type in $addonDirPath is invalid and will be skipped.", E_USER_WARNING);
301: // Clear the addon out of the index.
302: $this->deleteSingleIndexKey($type, $addonDirName);
[/path/forum/library/core/class.thememanager.php:86] Vanilla\AddonManager->lookupAllByType();
[/path/forum/applications/dashboard/controllers/class.settingscontroller.php:1831] Gdn_ThemeManager->availableThemes();
[/path/forum/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:845] SettingsController->themes();
[/path/forum/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:274] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatchController();
[/path/forum/index.php:29] Gdn_Dispatcher->dispatch();
Sounds as if you have a corrupt theme. Do you have any custom theme in the /themes folder?
But maybe it is already solved by deleting /cache/theme-index.php and /cache/theme/*
Thanks, It worked!
I've delete all my themes, re-uploaded the vanilla ones, and delete the two files above it worked!