Vanilla 2.8 Pockets errors: Undefined class constant 'TYPE_DEFAULT', Class 'Pocket' not found, etc

edited February 2019 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


There looks to be some trouble with the Pockets plugin in 2.8 -

I found I had to add a "require_once('library/Pocket.php');" to PocketsPlugin.php:679, at the start of the structure() function to enable utility/update to run correctly. Then when opening the Pockets settings: "Class 'Pocket' not found" in PocketsPlugin.php:184, presumably requiring the same addition to work around it.


  • Vanilla Staff
    edited February 2019

    Did you clear your cache after upgrading? The file should be automatically included by the auto-loader built on the first request after clearing the cache or on enable of the addon.

  • Thanks @charrondev - yeah I did; inexplicably, the upgrade failed entirely on my local mirror, but ended up working fine on my staging mirror on the same server. Followed the same procedure on both! Anyway, seems to be fine now!

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