Vanilla 3.0 - Release Candidate & Call for Testers

Back in February we announced that we were moving to use semantic versioning. That starts with this 3.0 release. As a result, this release does not contain any radical redesign or rewrite. Instead it simply represents us shipping a breaking change in a release.
With the 2.8 release we heard some feedback that the OSS community wanted additional testing for releases before we make them. It should be noted that every change that makes it into an OSS release has generally been in use on Cloud hosted service for weeks or months before they make it here. That still leaves a lot of un-tested ground. We deploy differently, we run different addons, and we run on a single operating system & version.
With this release I'm requesting anyone from the OSS community that runs a testing site or server to try the new version. We'll look out for anything major breaking, and proceed with the full release afterwards. @MichaelTyson @Shadowdare had mentioned this before, but anyone else is welcome.
Upgrade Notes
- Vanilla 3.0 requires PHP 7.1 which is a change from earlier versions. We strongly recommend upgrading to PHP 7.3 as soon as possible. Many hosting plans allow a seamless transition via their control panel.
- Follow the normal upgrade process, including running /utility/update.
- Follow additional specific upgrade instructions if upgrading from an earlier version.
- Test your plugin & theme compatibility in a safe place. This is not a final release yet so it's not recommended to run this on a production forum.
The Release
You can grab the release candidate version here. Please leave feedback in this thread or file a github issue if you can have clear reproduction steps.
Breaking Changes
Starting with this release Vanilla requires a minimum version of PHP
. Starting with this release Vanilla's automated test suite now runs on PHP versions7.1
Beginning in this release the following classes are now deprecated.
Additionally the following methods are now deprecated.
If you are using any of these methods please see their inline documentation for their newer alternatives.
New Database Tables
In this release we are laying the groundwork for bringing reactions into core. The user facing feature is not a part of this release but we have created new core models and a database structure for it. As a result there are two 2 database tables that will be created.
If you use a case-insensitive filesystem & the YAGA addon this will be breaking change.
Unfortunately some open source addons has taken the database table `GDN_Reaction`. This is the cause of the conflict. If you are affected here your options are essentially:
For people creating addons in the future I would recommend name-spacing both your classes and database tables. Was you code created as part of
or part of theGDN_
framework? If not you should probably use a different prefix or append some additional prefix.Release Notes
Rich Editor
Rich Editor saw a number of enhancements in this release.
New paragraph level formatting menu
We've added a new paragraph level formatting menu in order to surface more formatting options.
Currently it is broken down into 4 categories.
New Rich Editor formats
Along with the paragraph formatting menu, we've added support for
Improved Pasting Robustness
This iteration of Rich Editor see much improved ability to paste content into the editor.
The following may now be pasted from other web pages
Rich Quotes enabled by default
Rich Quotes now properly enable by default when enabling the addon. Thanks @R_J.
Image Upload Limits
It is now possible to limit maximum image upload dimensions through and enhanced dashboard posting page. Any images uploaded above this limit will be resized (while preserving aspect ratio) to fit within the configured dimensions.
These dimensions will be respected in Rich Editor, Advanced Editor, and the
endpoint.Keystone Theme
The keystone header on desktop now contains core & contextual navigation items. Additionally these items can be found on mobile devices by opening the navigation menu.
SEO & Performance
By default Vanilla blocks a page from rendering until most of its javascript is loaded. This is not considered best practice, because it negatively impacts user’s page load times. Search engines like google penalize sites that do this.
Site’s may now opt-in to better behaviour here and load all scripts after the main document loads. This can be done by setting the configuration value.
or in JSON (Vanilla console)
If this is done properly all scripts in the of the page should have the defer attribute set.
This can lead to large increases in score on google’s page-speed index as well improved load times for users, especially on mobile.
Warning: This may not be compatible with certain custom Pockets or custom themes. Please test on staging environments first.
Google Sign In
Due to the fact that Google is sunsetting Google+ Sign In method we are adding Google Sign In. Forums that are using Google+ now are strongly recommended to create an OpenID OAuth 2.0 application at Google and turn on the Google Sign In plugin.
For more information about the user authentication workflow that is being implemented please read this documentation on For instructions on how to set up the plugin see Vanilla user docs for Google Sign In
New or Expanded API endpoints
Set the canonical URL of a discussion
PUT /api/v2/discussions/:id/canonical-url
DELETE /api/v2/discussions/:id/canonical-url
Expand accepted answer IDs
GET /api/v2/discussions/:id
endpoint now offers an expand parameteracceptedAnswers
. When set the commentID & rendered text of the accepted answer will be included in the response.Current user endpoints
GET /api/v2/users/me
GET /api/v2/users/me-counts
These 2 endpoints may be used to fetch information about the currently signed in user.
Record a page view
POST /api/v2/tick
Other Fixes
Cheers @charrondev! I'll take it for a spin.
I just went through an update from a (clean) Vanilla 2.8 installation and a new Vanilla 3 installation and here is what I found:
Known issues
File access rights: still way to permissive, but that is a known issue on GitHub. Personally I find that this looks unprofessional and untrustworthy and setting this to 755/775 is trivial.
Disabling the Rich editor leaves the forum in an unusable state since users cannot post any more. There already is a GitHub issue for that
/dashboard/settings/themes: The "Theming API Test" theme shouldn't be included in a release
The Mark All Viewed plugin has the same effect as marking a category read, doesn't it? I'd say it is not needed any more.
The Google+ Social Connect plugin is still enclosed although deprecated. There's no need to include it in Vanilla 3
There is no space between the comment box and the Post Comment Button when the Rich Editor is not enabled
/settings/gettingstarted: The have no space on the left
Rich Editor Errors
Switching between lists eliminates formatted content, here are the steps to reproduce:
1. Write two lines and do some formatting like below
First item - formatted bold
Second item - formatted italic
2. Format that either as bulleted or as numbered list
3. Switch the list style 😮
Also using up-/down-arrow key to move lines up or down doesn't work in most cases (at least in Firefox)
The pictures uploaded trough rich editor does not stay in the original form, they are geting twisted every time, and some mobile devices, even digital cameras are saving their pics in formats like: .PNG, .JPG, dont ask me why, but these formats does not get recognized, only when i change the format of the picture, example, something.PNG into something.png...
Thanks for your feedback guys. Some of these issues predate the 3.0 release and I won't be back-porting them. It's important to get this release out due to the various bug fixes & some lower priority security fixes that were too risky/not important enough to backport to the
branch.With that said I'm going to try and tackle the following issues before the full 3.0 release.
Other Notes
I'm sorry but I was unable to reproduce this. I tested with some
images but they worked just fine. I would recommend filing an issue on our issue tracker with some additional reproduction steps (the editor you are using would will also be necessary).Hi all!
I tried to update an existing vanilla 2.8.3 installation with yaga application and i got this error when i made an utility/update :
alter table GDN_Reaction fails.
What i have done:
I copy all files on my local windows installation
I tried an utility/update
I know YAGA is not an official application and official team doesn't support but it's a bug!
I tried an utilit/structure after that and i got this to do :
and it failed...
My mysql version 5.7.19
I don't see in changelog any core reactions enabling too! I can send to the official team a copy of my database if they want to try by their own.
As you've said: YAGA is not Vanilla, therefore it's not really the right place to solve the problem in this discussion but I'm curious: what do you see if you run /utility/structure in your 2.8.3 concerning the GDN_Reaction table? Do those lines only show up after the update? That would be an interesting finding.
The Reaction table is created by YAGA, therefore you cannot find anything in the logs.
Why vanilla try to update GDN_Reaction if it's not a part of the official update. That's the question.
i ran utility/update on my 2.8.3 install and no fatal error on GDN_Reaction table...
Addons and plugins have a convention on how to database relevant changes on plugin activation should be bundled. On utility/structure all
methods of enabled plugins and all/settings/structure.php
files of enabled addons are executed.I try if I can see that behavior on my installation and if that's the case this should be investigated. This is the code that triggers the error:
I think it's a conflict between yaga reaction table and vanilla reaction table.
Look at this file :
$Construct ->table("reaction") ->primaryKey("reactionID") ->column("reactionOwnerID", "int", false, ["index", "index.record"]) ->column("recordID", "int", false, "index.record") ->column("reactionValue", "int", false) ->column("insertUserID", "int", false, ["index"]) ->column("dateInserted", "datetime") ->set($Explicit, $Drop);
$Construct ->table("reactionOwner") ->primaryKey("reactionOwnerID") ->column("ownerType", "varchar(64)", false, ["index", "unique.record"]) ->column("reactionType", "varchar(64)", false, ["index", "unique.record"]) ->column("recordType", "varchar(64)", false, ["index", "unique.record"]) ->column("insertUserID", "int", false, ["index"]) ->column("dateInserted", "datetime") ->set($Explicit, $Drop);
2 new tables maybe for the next open sources releases of vanilla or cloud part of code...
Just found that, you are right. I didn't experience those problems because my db distinguishes between GDN_reaction and GDN_Reaction.
It might require much effort to solve that problem.
@charrondev there are two tables which belong to the proprietary Reaction plugin which are defined in the dashboards structure:
Normally I'd say they have to be defined in the plugin, but I see that there is a barebone ReactionModel in library/Vanilla/Models. Could you give more information if those tables have been put into the dashboard app by mistake or if they must be there by design?
Maybe it could be cool if plugins table names be different from official release tables names. Example :
official release : GDN_reaction
plugin database : Plugin_reaction
I sometime install plugins and if i don't want to use them, i disable them but their tables persists in database...
In this case there is some kind of a workaround: at least on Linux table names are case sensitive. That's why I hadn't those problems. I have GDN_reaction and GDN_Reaction in my test scenario. You can take a look at this part of the MySQL documentation to find out how to change it in your installation.
But at the end of the day it can always happen that table names are duplicate. Even if plugins would have their own naming convention, it would happen all the same if you use similar plugins. For PHP you have namespaces, for a database there is nothing like that.
Maybe I start prefixing tables I create in my plugins from now on or I give them names I define in a class variable so that it would be possible to override them. But I doubt that there is a solution which always fits all cases
hum i'm on windows for my tests, maybe this bug is only on windows then....But @charrondev can explain to us what are this reaction and reactionowner tables.
It has been planned here in this GitHub issue, but the other issue referenced which might be able to shed some light on it is in a private repo
Reactions is slowly becoming a core feature. This is step one in that process. Currently it's only being used by an internal app, but we've effectively deprecated building new features on the old closed-source Reactions.