Vanilla 2.8.4 is now available for download - Important security patches

charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff
edited June 2019 in Releases

Get it right here:

This release contains CRITICAL security patches.

  • Patched SSRF in HTTP client.
  • Updated release file system permissions to be less permissive.

It has been brought to our attention that our file system permissions were far to open in our open source releases. These concerns were initially dismissed because in our version control repository and on all of our infrastructure the permissions were correct.

Thanks to the insistence of @R_J I discovered a bug in our OSS release build tool that reset all of the file permissions to 777 (very dangerous).

Starting in this release file system permissions are essentially 755 for directories and 644 for files.

Please upgrade to the latest version of Vanilla as soon as possible. No other changes from 2.8.3 are in this version.


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