Class 'Twig\Cache\NullCache' not found on updating to 3.2


Seem to have hit a roadblock updating Vanilla from 3.1 to 3.2. Upon following the upgrade directions and loading utility/update:

Fatal Error in Twig\Environment.setCache();
Class 'Twig\Cache\NullCache' not found
The error occurred on or near: /.../public_html/vendor/twig/twig/src/Environment.php
266:      $this->originalCache = $cache;
267:      $this->cache = new FilesystemCache($cache);
268:    } elseif (false === $cache) {
269:      $this->originalCache = $cache;
270:      $this->cache = new NullCache();
271:    } elseif ($cache instanceof CacheInterface) {
272:      $this->originalCache = $this->cache = $cache;
273:    } else {
274:      throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Cache can only be a string, false, or a \Twig\Cache\CacheInterface implementation.'));

Any ideas about ways to proceed? Rolled back for now.




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